This photo presentation concerns a theory.
The purpose is to propose a description of the lost device called the Urim and Thummim, mentioned explicitly in Exodus 28:30.
The theory is presented in this form in order to illustrate the basic concepts pertaining to it. Since the instrument is known to have had the ability to "divine the word of God," and that it was/is an ocular device, capable of telling the future, the theory presented here will be supported elsewhere by deliniating the practical use of this proposed replica.
By examining the various geometries shown, the repetition supports that these are intentional clues set forth for just such a means of re-discovery.
The photos scan through actual traditional Jewish artifacts, noting designs and obligatory requirements of their construction. To this, many ritualized analogies are added, most supported by commands for their performance found in the Old Testament. Long practiced ceremonies, rituals peerformed during obligatory Feast Days, forinstance, have elements that add credence to the geometry proposed.
Furthermore, using the Book of Exodus, the proposed geometric constructions of the URIM and THUMMIM are supported in symbolized analogies found in details of the Tabernacle. All these details are assumed to intentionally defined and subtly hint towards the unmentioned construction of this device.
That assumption rests on the observation that this one tool, URIM and THUMMIM, is said to be the device by which man might divine the will of God. Hence, the "hidden" geometries.
It might be cheating to say that the proof is sort of over, already. Some people may be convinced that this IS the best hypothesis for U&T so far.
This hypothesis of a five piece U&T has already demonstrated a numerical consistency with scripture. Now, we observe that these 22 letters are symbolical represented in the geometry, too.
The Urim and Thummim has been described as a device which can/was/will be used to "divine the Word of God," i, e, The Bible.
Certainly, understanding these 22 letters/numbers does just that. These symbols ARE the Celestrial Alphabet, the language of scripture, the Holy sacred Hebrew letters first used by Moses in writing down God's commands,
Learning to string these 22 symbols together, forming words and senteces certainly was one of the things every priest had to do in order to read to the Torah.
But, that "proof" seems too easy.
So, lets examine more scripture, ritual, and tradition.