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E-Books and E-Samples are available to individuals, organizations, educators, Sunday Schools, and academic institutions of every kind.
On request, KOFH PUBLISHING will forward State-of-the-Art classroom products by e-mail.
Receive templates for educational foldables for duplication and distribution to students. Get ready to go lessons for Chemistry, Biology, Algebra, Geometry, History, English, and the Scriptures.

Illustrated samples of our various educational products will appear monthly on these pages. Below is an example of the unique and interesting lesson formats which, in themselves, are intriguing and different enough to get silence in any classroom. The kinesthetic, Arts/Craft approach unfailingly occupies the attention of students then available for verbal instructions concerning the relationships between the items and sets of information they read on the origami.

Trigonometric physics force resolving tool

The trigonometric forceometer (ENC-003375)

Location: Curriculum Resources

Directions state how to apply the forceometer to problem situations. Blackline masters are included for making forceometers for the class. (Author/LDR) Table of Contents: Instruction guide: Illustrated applications of the forceometer Forceometer applications for incline plane problems Using the tangent.

[Photo links to excerpts on Chemistry]

The periodic cube (ENC-003374)

Location: Curriculum Resources

Abstract: This book contains directions for constructing a three dimensional Periodic Chemical Chart of the Elements. Each module reveals the electrons configuration code, binary molecular compounding, and radical mnemonics analogous to a clock that are taught during the module.

(Cover is link to Lotus Leaf presentation format)

This two dimensional format of the cube shaped KOFH UNIVERSAL teaches your Sunday School the hidden organization of the Genealogy in the Book of Genesis. Photocopy the templates. Allow each student to construct, cut, fold, and color, and read off the names. Thirteen sheets of paper are used. Each "leaf" of the 13 fits snuggly into the last, ending with one Origami Book of Genesis, easily held in the palm of the hand. Neat! Fun! Educational!

Get your organization to e-mail for publications and samples: kofh@gis.net

Graphic Organizers are now well researched and highly acclaimed educational State-of-the-Art technique.

Reference: Strategic Teaching and Learning: Cognitive Instruction in the Content Area; Alexander,Virgina:

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.