The Biology Cube contains eight different Topics, beginning with the subject of Geological Time.
(Click above for idea on Lesson Presentation) |
Students finish the construction and then layout the clock like arrangement of the Geological durations in the proper order. Cutting,
folding, and color-coding each triangular area on the cube is educational and great behavioral control technique because the
progress of the individual students can be observed throughout the period. This Hands-on approach has the added component
that it is part of an on going project that covers the entire course of study. Consequently,
students immediately become aware of the Rubric by which their progress can and will be graded. They have a "job" to
do. That task requires self reliance in order to meet the dead lines. The obvious competition between students
in regard to completing the assignment as a group, and the quality by comparison needs no emphasis. They realize that
their own project is being compared to others by the class of their own peers.
Using the Blackboard to represent the same Graphic Layout allows the teacher to focus on specifics,
explain relationships, and ask students to annotate their notes on the cubes.
(Click to enlarge) |
Separate Cubes for the Animal Kingdom and the Plant Kingdom break down the Phyla with pictures/samples of each life form
so classified.
Inside these cubes the students will discover interesting related information which nicely utilizes the shapes on those triangular