This product contains templates which the teacher or facilitator photocopies and hands out to each student. The
procedure is to have already covered the material by traditional assignments such as classroom lecture, directed
textbook reading assignments, homework, etc.
The students use scissors and markers like felt tips, under-liners, colored pencils, and such to color code the various
sets and groups as shown of the Lotus Leaf hand out.
When the material has been color coded and discussed, the students learn to fold the page so that it becomes a 3-D Graphic
Organizer. The lesson book templates are printed such that each module in the eight pages is slightly smaller then the
previous. This allows the one to fit inside the last. At the end of the course, each student has a thick Lotus
Leaf Notebook which contains a review of all the topics relating to the High School Chemistry Course.
This series of lessons can be tailored to the Middle School Science curriculum by eliminating the more complicated lessons
such as the Electron Orbital Addresses, the Elemental Quantum Particles, etc. The lessons can be focused only of
the General Physical Science subject matter traditionally studied in the Junior High School, or useful introductory material
for accelerated classes.