Each of the 16 templates in this lesson plan booklet folds into a 3-D Graphic Organizer which is part of a Lotus Leaf
Notebook composed of these pages fitting inside one another.
The Students are encouraged to make notations in pencil in the various spaces on each form as the teacher explains facts
and concepts related to each the Key words on each space.
The finished notebook opens like a lotus leaf and when carefully and artistically colored with felt tip under-liners
it is an esteem building final product the students are proud of, and something the teacher can use to decorate the classroom.
Visitors are always impressed by bulletin boards fill of the evidence of student activity in the classroom. The
Learning Style insights of the last decade are now available to every teacher simply by utilizing these three project
oriented lesson plan approaches.
Portfolios are useful places to hold the pieces of the project worked on between classes and in event of absences.
They also are an place where students can collect finished daily assignments, graded tests, and these finished project
oriented assignments. Hands-on notebook construction keeps students busy and relatively quiet while the
teacher, acting as a facilitator, is actually lecturing on the subject matter. The Graphic Organizers
chunk ideas together, and that emphasizes the groups relationships with each other. The Alternative Assessment
allows for using evaluation Rubrics that reward neatness, attention to detail, mechanical ability, and other examples
of high Kinesthetic Intelligence.
Since the students can work on the same project assignments there is a benefit to Cooperative Learning.
Should two or more teachers agree to use these same project oriented assignment lesson plans, but for different subject, taken
by the same students, then the experience of Teaching-Across-the-Curriculum also becomes a reality.