The accretion disk of the hot, congealing Earth |

(Picture is link to Gen 1:3) |
Gen. 1:2 And the earth was without form, (a spinning
cloud of molten matter and gases), and void: (not valid as a
sphere yet-an accretion disk), and darkness: [choshek: obscurity] was upon the
face of the deep: [tehowm: the deep primeval abyss]. And
(the great Shechinah), the spirit, (the pan-en-theistic Natural Laws) of God, (Truth, itself), moved upon the
face: [paniym: presence] of the waters (of these transitory things: [mayim: Hebrew])
Rom. 1:20 For, from the creation of the (material Universe which we know as the) world, the invisible things of him, (in panentheistic expression, as the spirit of God,
(Truth, it's image), behind all natural phenomenon), are clearly
seen, (empirically, by the rational application of the methods of our science), being understood (pan-en-theistically, God,
seen in his Natural Laws: similar to the way he is seen in Torah, ie Law), by (a progression of theories concerning) the things
that are made, (and by our on-going observation of the natural laws appropriate to them), even his(pre-Big Bang presence
as the
Uncaused First Cause of all) eternal, (transcendent) power and Godhead (in Trinity: Theistic God, Panentheistic God,
and Immanent (mantally)
God); so that (even the atheists), they are without excuse: