
Adam, (an eponym for the whole species or developmental series of linkages from Sahelanthropus tchadensis).

(1) Seth, (Australopithecus anamensis)
(2) Enos, (Australopithecus africanus)
(3) Cainan, (Australopithecus aethiopicus)
(4) Mahalaleel, (Australopithecus garhi)
(5) Jared, (Homo rudolfensis)
(6) Enoch, (Homo habilis, walked with God towards the evolution of Homoiousian man)
(7) Methuselah, (Modern Homo erectus)
(8) Lamech, (Homo antecessor)
(9) Noah, (a type of Homo sapiens fore-bearer)
(10) Shem, (Mongolian)
(11) Ham, (Negroid)
(12) Japheth, (Caucasian)

The Amplified Theistic Evolution Bible Interpretation:

Genesis 6: Hybrids, the Sons of God

The Theistic Evolution Bible Interpretation | Bible Preface | Genesis 1 | Genesis One, an interactive presentation: | Genesis 2: | Genesis 3: | Genesis 4: | Genesis 5: | Genesis 6: | Genesis 7: | Genesis 11: | Genesis 14: | Genesis 15: | Genesis 18  | Genesis 22: | Genesis 28: | Genesis 36: | Exodus 3 | Exodus 4 | Exodus 5 | Exodus 6 | Exodus 7 | Exodus 8 | Exodus 9 | Exodus 10 | Exodus 11 | Exodus 13 | Exodus 25 | Exodus 28 | Exodus 33 | Exodus 33 | Numbers 2 | Leviticus 19 | Deuteronomy 18 | Deuter 28 | Pslam 22 | Psalm 23 | Ps 66 | Ps 78 | Psalm 83 | Psalm 87 | Psalm 109: | Psalm 110 | Psalm 118 | 1Kings 6 | Isaiah 3: | Isaiah 11 | Isaiah 14 | Isaiah 17 | Isaiah 19 | Isaiah 24 | Isaiah 26 | Isaiah 28 | Isaiah 29 | Isaiah 29 | Isaiah 30 | Isaiah 32 | Isaiah 40  | Isaiah 41 | Isaiah 43 | Isaiah 44 | Isaiah 45: | Isaiah 49 | Isaiah 53: | Isaiah 60: | Isaiah 61: | Isaiah 62: | Isaiah 66 | Ezekiel 1 | Ezekiel 9 | Ezek 10 | Ezekiel 13 | Ezekiel 18 | Ezekiel 28 | Ezekiel 31 | Ez 34 | Ez 33 | Ez 34 | Ez 33 | Ez 34 | Ezekiel 36 | Ezekiel 36 | Ezekiel 37 | Ezekiel 38 | Ezekiel 39 | Ezekiel 43 | Ezekiel 43 | Ez 43 | Jer 7 | Jer 8 | Jeremiah 16 | Jer 19 | Jer 30 | Jer 31 | Jeremiah 31 | Jeremiah 49 | Daniel 2: | Daniel 4 | Daniel 7 | Daniel 8: | Dan 9 | Dan 10 | Dan 11 | Dan 12 | Joel 3 | Hosea 2:1 | Hosea 3 | Zechariah 1: | Zech 2 | Zech 3 | Zech 4 | Zech 5 | Zech 6 | Zechariah 8: | Zech 9 | Zech 11 | Zechariah 12 | Zechariah 13 | Zech 14 | Mal 3 | Malachi 4: | Matthew 1: | Matt 3 | Elijah | Matthew 4: | Matt 5 | Matt 9 | Matt 10 | Matt 11 | Matt 12 | Matt 17 | Matt 18 | Matthew 24 | Matt 25 | Matt 26 | Mark 8 | Luke 1 | Luk e 10 | John 1 | John 3 | John 5 | John 6 | John 6 | John 14 | John 15: | John 17 | John 21 | 1Peter 4 | Acts 2 | Romans 1 | Romans 5 | Romans 7 | Romans 8 | Romans 9 | Romans 11 | Romans 13 | Romans 12 | 1Co 13 | 1Cor 15 | 1 Ti 4 | 1 Ti 5 | 1 Thessalonians 4 | 2 Thessalonians 2 | THE REVELATION | Revelation 1: | Revelation 2 | Revelation 3 | Revelation 4 | Revelation 5 | Revelation 6: | Revelation 7 | Revelation 8 | Revelation 9 | Revelation 10 | Revelation 11 | Revelation 12 | Revelation 12 | Revelation 13: | Revelation 14 | Revelation 15 | Revelation 16 | Revelation 17: | Revelation 18: | Revelation 19 | Revelation 20 | Revelation21: | Revelation 22 | Original Revelation | Open

...the sons of God, (the line through Seth, i.e.; Methuselah, or Modern Homo erectus, whom God had taken from the days of Enoch to survive as the fittist),...
... saw the daughters of men, (the sister species of Tubal-cain, or, Naamahians, i.e.; a late stage Neanderthal, here called Lamech's daughter, or Homo antecessorian: that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose,...

Gen. 6:1 And it came to pass, when men, (through the line of Cain, the species Methusael, i.e., Early Homo erectus), began to multiply on the face of the earth (around the end of the Pilocene Age in the Quaternary Period of the Cenozoic Era), and daughters, (i.e.; through Lamech, Homo antecessor, derived through the line of Cain), were born unto them,

Gen. 6:2 That the sons of God, (the line through Seth, i.e.; Methuselah, or Modern Homo erectus, whom God had taken from the days of Enoch to survive as the fittist),...

... saw the daughters of men, (the sister species of Tubal-cain, or, Naamahians, i.e.; a late stage Neanderthal, here called Lamech's daughter, or Homo antecessorian): that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose, (See Gen. 6:1, daughters of Lamech, or Homo antecessor, derived through the line of Cain).

Gen. 6:3 And the LORD said, My spirit (expressed panentheistically, in the Natural Laws of evolution) shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh (and must adapt to my Reality): yet his days, (to come, this Neanderthal Man) shall be (only) an (other) hundred and twenty (i.e., thousand) years.

Gen. 6:4 There were giants, (i.e.; Homo Erectus, two species one through Methuselah and another through Methusael), in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God, (i.e.; the link in the chain to Modern Homos, the Methusaelian line of ascent, or the Homo erectus species), came in unto the daughters of men, (Lamech's Homo antecessors daughters), and they bare (Neanderthal) children to them, the same became mighty men (i.e.; hybrids preceeding the advent of Modern Homo Sapiens).

Methuselahian Modern Homo erectus, through Seth...
...daughters of men, (the sister species of Tubal-cain, Naamahians, a late stage Neanderthal..(link)

Gen. 6:5 And GOD, (the Reality of Universal Power) saw that the wickedness of man (including Neanderthal) was great in the earth, and that every imagination of (his abstraction of Reality) the thoughts of his heart (or his psyche) was only evil (and unrealistic) continually (as regards the process of adaption).

Gen. 6:6 And (in) it, (i.e.; the evolutionary process), it repented the LORD that he had made man (all the hominoids linked in our ascent) on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart (that cataclysmic changes were to come).

Gen. 6:7 And the LORD, (the Reality of the Universe) said, I will destroy man (of these types and species) whom I have created (such as to mentally, phenomenologically, i.e.; abstract, consciously a model and schmata of Universe or the image of Reality which I am), destroy them,  (of these types and species), from the face of the earth,  (deeming them extinct); both (these species and kind of) man, and (his present abstract idea of) the beast (of the earth), and (his idea of) the creeping thing (of the earth), and (his idea of) the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them (in this process of evolution BECAUSE he has not imaged me, Reality, as we have created im so to do).

Gen. 6:8 But Noah,  (the predecessor of the Modern Homo sapiens which were to emerge), found grace in the eyes of the LORD, (who is all the Universe and that which is therein).

The African replacement, "out of Africa," Noah's ark model of Christopher Stringer and Peter Andrews:

All other lines of humans that had descended from Homo erectus presumably became extinct.  From this view, the regional anatomical differences that we see among humans today are recent developments--evolving mostly in the last 40,000 years. 

Christopher Stringer and Peter Andrews proposes that modern humans evolved from archaic Homo sapiens, (Noah?), 200,000-150,000 years ago [Gen 8:3] only in Africa, (before the flood!) and then some of them migrated into the rest of the Old World replacing all of the Neandertals and other late archaic Homo sapiens beginning around 100,000 years ago. 

If this interpretation of the fossil record is correct, all people today share a relatively modern African ancestry.  All other lines of humans that had descended from Homo erectus presumably became extinct.  From this view, the regional anatomical differences that we see among humans today are recent developments--evolving mostly in the last 40,000 years. 

Gunter Brauer, of the University of Hamburg in Germany, proposes that the first modern humans did evolve in Africa, but when they migrated into other regions they did not simply replace existing human populations.  

Rather, they interbred to a limited degree with late archaic Homo sapiens, (Noah), resulting in hybrid populations.  In Europe, for instance, the first modern humans appear in the archaeological record rather suddenly shortly before 40,000 years (of days and nights) ago.  

The abruptness of the appearance of these Cro-Magnon people, (Noah-ians), could be explained by their migrating into the region from Southwest Asia and possibly North Africa.  

They apparently shared Europe with Neandertals for another 12-14,000 years: [Gen 8:10,11]  

During this long time period, it is argued that interbreeding occurred and that the partially hybridized predominantly Cro-Magnon population ultimately became modern Europeans. 

In 2003, a discovery was made in a Romanian cave named Peatera cu Oase that supports this hypothesis.  

It was a partial skeleton of a 15-16 year old male Homo sapiens who lived about 30-35,000 years ago: [Gen. 9:28].  He had a mix of old and new anatomical features.  The skull had characteristics of both modern and archaic Homo sapiens. [Noah!!]

This could be explained as the result of interbreeding with Neandertals according to Erik Trinkaus of Washington University in St. Louis.  

Alan Templeton, also of  Washington University, reported that a computer-based analysis of 10 different human DNA sequences indicates that there has been interbreeding between people living in Asia, Europe, and Africa for at least 600,000 years.

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