The retreating Ottomans committed several atrocities against hostile Arab villages; in return, the allied forces took no prisoners. Almost an entire Ottoman brigade (along with some German and Austrians) was massacred near the village of Tafas on 27 September, with the Ottoman commander Jemal Pasha narrowly escaping. They repeated the performance the next day, losing a few hundred casualties while wiping out nearly 5,000 Turks in just these two battles.

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The Amplified Theistic Evolution Bible Interpretation:

Revelation 16
The Theistic Evolution Bible Interpretation | Bible Preface | Genesis 1 | Genesis One, an interactive presentation: | Genesis 2: | Genesis 3: | Genesis 4: | Genesis 5: | Genesis 6: | Genesis 7: | Genesis 11: | Genesis 14: | Genesis 15: | Genesis 18  | Genesis 22: | Genesis 28: | Genesis 36: | Exodus 3 | Exodus 4 | Exodus 5 | Exodus 6 | Exodus 7 | Exodus 8 | Exodus 9 | Exodus 10 | Exodus 11 | Exodus 13 | Exodus 25 | Exodus 28 | Exodus 33 | Exodus 33 | Numbers 2 | Leviticus 19 | Deuteronomy 18 | Deuter 28 | Pslam 22 | Psalm 23 | Ps 66 | Ps 78 | Psalm 83 | Psalm 87 | Psalm 109: | Psalm 110 | Psalm 118 | 1Kings 6 | Isaiah 3: | Isaiah 11 | Isaiah 14 | Isaiah 17 | Isaiah 19 | Isaiah 24 | Isaiah 26 | Isaiah 28 | Isaiah 29 | Isaiah 29 | Isaiah 30 | Isaiah 32 | Isaiah 40  | Isaiah 41 | Isaiah 43 | Isaiah 44 | Isaiah 45: | Isaiah 49 | Isaiah 53: | Isaiah 60: | Isaiah 61: | Isaiah 62: | Isaiah 66 | Ezekiel 1 | Ezekiel 9 | Ezek 10 | Ezekiel 13 | Ezekiel 18 | Ezekiel 28 | Ezekiel 31 | Ez 34 | Ez 33 | Ez 34 | Ez 33 | Ez 34 | Ezekiel 36 | Ezekiel 36 | Ezekiel 37 | Ezekiel 38 | Ezekiel 39 | Ezekiel 43 | Ezekiel 43 | Ez 43 | Jer 7 | Jer 8 | Jeremiah 16 | Jer 19 | Jer 30 | Jer 31 | Jeremiah 31 | Jeremiah 49 | Daniel 2: | Daniel 4 | Daniel 7 | Daniel 8: | Dan 9 | Dan 10 | Dan 11 | Dan 12 | Joel 3 | Hosea 2:1 | Hosea 3 | Zechariah 1: | Zech 2 | Zech 3 | Zech 4 | Zech 5 | Zech 6 | Zechariah 8: | Zech 9 | Zech 11 | Zechariah 12 | Zechariah 13 | Zech 14 | Mal 3 | Malachi 4: | Matthew 1: | Matt 3 | Elijah | Matthew 4: | Matt 5 | Matt 9 | Matt 10 | Matt 11 | Matt 12 | Matt 17 | Matt 18 | Matthew 24 | Matt 25 | Matt 26 | Mark 8 | Luke 1 | Luk e 10 | John 1 | John 3 | John 5 | John 6 | John 6 | John 14 | John 15: | John 17 | John 21 | 1Peter 4 | Acts 2 | Romans 1 | Romans 5 | Romans 7 | Romans 8 | Romans 9 | Romans 11 | Romans 13 | Romans 12 | 1Co 13 | 1Cor 15 | 1 Ti 4 | 1 Ti 5 | 1 Thessalonians 4 | 2 Thessalonians 2 | THE REVELATION | Revelation 1: | Revelation 2 | Revelation 3 | Revelation 4 | Revelation 5 | Revelation 6: | Revelation 7 | Revelation 8 | Revelation 9 | Revelation 10 | Revelation 11 | Revelation 12 | Revelation 12 | Revelation 13: | Revelation 14 | Revelation 15 | Revelation 16 | Revelation 17: | Revelation 18: | Revelation 19 | Revelation 20 | Revelation21: | Revelation 22 | Original Revelation | Open

Archetype * Multiple Intelligence * Evil Spirit

1) Id = Intra-personal Intelligence = ........Lucifer
2) Libido =
Kinesthetic Intelligence = .......Satan
3) Ego =
Inter-personal Intelligence =.......Mammon
4) Anima =
Spatial Intelligence = .............Devil
5) Self =
Semantical Intelligence =............Beelzebub
6) Superego =
Logical Intelligence = ........False Prophet
7) Harmony =
Musical Intelligence = ........False shepherd
8) Conscience =
Emotional Intelligence =..Good Shepherd

Rev. 16:1 And I (IMAGINED) a great voice (IN MY BRAIN) saying to the seven angels, (i.e.; FREUD'S ARCHETYPES), Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God, (i.e; REALITY), upon the Earth.

[Plague #1]:
Rev. 16:2 And the first angel, (THE SOCIAL ARCHETYPE OF THE LIBIDO), went, and poured out his vial, (Physical Force: first against Rome, followed, again, after the Renaissance,... against Nazi Europe) upon the Earth; and, (over Europe), there fell (Sharia), a noisome and grievous sore (of Islam) upon the men which had the mark of the beast, (money), and upon them, (the Feminists), which worshipped the beast (i.e.; Malls and more Malls, filled for women to “Shop”).

[Plague #2]:
Rev. 16:3 And the second angel, (i.e.; Sociological manifestation, i.e.; the Collective Human Id, The Pleasure Principle), poured out his vial (of pain mixed with great pleasure), upon the sea (of Roman paganism, 380 AD), and then European Nazi Germany, 31/2 years: [Dan 9:27); and, (in historical perspective), it became as the blood of a dead man, (in Universal Christianity, aka 32 AD), and every living (pagan) soul died in the sea (of Roman, 380 AD).

[Plague #3]:
Rev. 16:4 And, (in this vision, inside my mind, a third archetype, my Superego), the third “angel: [Rev 1:20] poured out his vial (of logical insights) upon the rivers (of Feminism) and fountains of waters (which flow generation after generation); and they became blood, (or sacred changes).

Rev. 16:5 And I heard the angel of the waters (of this collective force of the Superego), say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, (i.e.; Truth), which art, and wast, and shalt be (in the future), because thou hast judged (with Truth), thus.

Rev. 16:6 For they have shed the blood of saints: (Revelation 17:6;18:24) and prophets (who confronted them), and thou hast given them blood (in the Statistics) to drink (with social problems of Violent crime, Abortions, illegitimacy, No Fault Divorce, etc); for they are worthy (of their guilt)
Rev. 16:7 And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God, (Reality), Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.

[Plague #4]:
Rev. 16:8 And, (to Thyatira, the first Papacy of 461 AD, and the just forming Roman Catholicism), the fourth angel, (The Collective Human Ego), poured out his vial (of insight) upon the sun, (i.e.; the Roman Government); and power was given unto him to scorch (with criticism) men, (i.e.; the pagans of the Roman World), with fire (of Scripture: Revelation 11:7-13]).

Rev. 16:9 And (these pagan) men were scorched with great heat (from scripture), and (yet, they) blasphemed (Reality), the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory, (but went underground and continued their mythological based beliefs).

[Plague #5:]:
Rev. 16:10 And the fifth angel, (the Collective Human Self), poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast, (which was underground then, and no longer seen openly); and his kingdom, (i.e.; the beast), was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain (during the reign of Jesus,... before the Renaissance of the beast had begun anew).

Rev. 16:11 And (these pagans), they blasphemed the God of heaven (which reigned over Christianity as the only legal church in the whole Roman World), because of their pains and their sores (from Christians who were tearing down pagan temples), and repented not of their deeds, (their sexual promiscuity and open Gay behaviors).

(link to next page)

[Plague #6]:
Rev. 16:12 And the sixth angel, (an insight of the Anima), poured out his vial (of intuitions) upon the great river (of Islamic peoples), Euphrates; and the waters (of that people's theology) thereof was dried up (and ready for the fire of Hebrew-Christian baptism), that the way (for the salvation) of the (Islamic) kings of the (Middle) East might be prepared.

Rev. 16:13 And I saw three unclean spirits, like frogs, (re: frogs are the Egyptian symbol for resurrection. The symbolization means these same ideologies are to be found in the next generations), come out of the mouth of the dragon (which is the Feminist secular and cultural Matriarchy, coupled with the pagan lustful sexual drive of society, called Satan: [Zech. 5:3; Rev 20:1-2]), and out of the mouth of the beast (which is the economic misappropriation of labor, the Mode of Production: [Zech. 5:4]), and out of the mouth of the false prophet (which is Mohammed of Islam).

Rev. 16:14 For they (3) are the (collective psychic-sociological) spirits of (dominance, manifesting in the Global Village), devils, (of cultural psycho-sociological fixations), working (modern) miracles, which go forth (in a secular, academic, and theological opposition to Scripture) unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle (in order to oppose Scripture and the Christ), of that great day (of Truth: [Rev 5:5]) of God (of the living), Almighty, (who is the Reality of man's existence).

Rev. 16:15 Behold, I, (The Truth: [John 14:6-12]), come as a thief, (stealing away the membership of your congregations). Blessed is he that watcheth (for the Truth that is to come: [Matthew 25:1-4]), and keepeth (informed in the scriptures which are) his garments (of understanding: [Rev 3:17; Matt 25:1-10]), lest he walk naked (in his own interpretive conceit: [Rev 3:18]), and they see his shame, (defenselessness: [Rev 10:7], for the son of God is Truth: [Rev 3:12], as is clearly revealed from the Word, itself: [John 1:1]).

Rev. 16:16 And he, (in truth did) gathered them, (the Muslim Army of the Ottoman Empire), together, (with British and friendly Arab military forces against them), into a (triangularly shaped) place (in 1917, during WWI), called in the Hebrew tongue (the triangular valley of) Armageddon,(where the Muslim Caliphate, the Ottoman Empire fell).

[Plague #7]:
Rev. 16:17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air (waves); and there came a great voice, (the roaring lion of Judah, from the root of David: [Rev 5:5]), out of the (Cube-shaped) temple of heaven, (The Urim and Thummim), from the throne (of scripture, itself, the Bible, Old Testament and New Testament), saying, It is done, (the mystery of God, (i.e.; in regard to just who is this God of the Bible: [John 14:6-12]), is finished: [Rev 10:7]).

Rev. 16:18 And there were voices (within the churches, the synagogues, and the mosques), and thunders (of protest from the paid clergies), and lightnings (of discourse across the communities, concerning scripture); and there was a great earthquake (revealed in scripture), such (an understanding of the man-made religions of the world) as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake (in that God Almighty is Reality), and so great (in its world wide implication to religions specifically).

Rev. 16:19 And (Jerusalem), the great city (of Western Religion) was divided into three parts, (Jewish, Christian, and Muslim), and the (denominational) cities of the (religious) nations fell: and great Babylon, (the mother of all pagan practices, Feminism ), came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine (Rev 17:4) of the fierceness of his wrath: ([Rev 18]).

Rev. 16:20 And every island (or cult, and sect of pagan practice) fled away, and the mountains (of institutionalized religion) were not found (to dispute the testimony of the two witnesses, OT and NT).

Rev. 16:21 And there fell upon men a great hail (of insight) out of heaven, every (Bible) stone, (each, a pair of verses), about the weight of a talent, (one verse from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament): and men blasphemed God (in their denial of The Truth: [John 14:6-10]) because of the plague of the hail (from the two witnesses, i.e.; Old and New Testaments); for the plague (upon all previous religious understanding) thereof, was exceeding great, (that Christ was the Elijah, returned in 32 AD: [Mal 4:6]:

Rev. 16:17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air (waves); and there came a great voice, (the roaring lion of Judah, from the root of David: [Rev 5:5]), out of the temple of heaven, (which is the Cube-shaped Urim and Thummim: [Ex 28:30]), from the throne (of scripture, itself, the Bible), saying, It is done, (the mystery of God is finished: [John 15:6-12; Rev 10:7]).

Rev. 16:18 And there were voices (within the churches, the synagogues, and the mosques), and thunders (of protest from the paid clergies), and lightnings (of discourse across the communities of scripturally based religions); and there was a great earthquake (revealed in scripture), such (an understanding of the man-made world) as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake (of jolting insight), and so great (in its world wide implication).

Rev. 16:19 And (Jerusalem), the great city (of Western Religion) was divided into three parts, (Jewish, Christian, and Moslem), and the (denominational) cities (of religious thought) of the nations fell: and great Babylon, (the mother of all pagan practices), came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine (Rev 17:4) of the fierceness of his wrath: ([Rev 18]).

Rev. 16:20 And every island (of religion, every cult, and those sects of pagan practice) fled away, and the mountains (of institutionalized religion) were not found.

Rev. 16:21 And there fell upon men a great hail (of insight) out of heaven, (as scripture shows Christ duplicating all the experiences of The Elijah:, every stone (in 1 Kings 18, etal), about the weight of a talent (in that these verses matched word for word: and men blasphemed God (in their denial) because of the plague of the hail (in the form of the Old Testament writings themselves); for the plague (upon all previous human understanding had a repetitive pattern: [Ex 28:30]), thereof was exceeding great, (Zech 12:1-5).

(Link: Jews return to Israel)

Lev 23:12-13 And ye shall offer that day when ye wave the sheaf an he lamb without blemish of the first year for a burnt offering unto the Lord. And the meat offering thereof shall be two tenth deals of fine flour mingled with oil, an offering made by fire unto the Lord for a sweet savour: and the drink offering thereof shall be of wine, the fourth part of an hin.

The requirement of four cups of wine at the Passover Seder is based on the four stages by which G-d redeemed the Jews from slavery, as described in Exodus 6:6-7: "Therefore say to the Children of Israel: I am G-d and I will take you out from beneath the burdens of Egypt, and I will save you from their servitude, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and great judgements, and I will take you for Me for a people..."
Two questions arise on the views of Rambam and Ravad. The first is: why does the Mishnah speak about four cups if there are in fact five?

To this the answer is straightforward: The four cups are obligatory, unlike the fifth. That is why the community must provide the poor with the means of fulfilling their obligation, but they do not have to make provision for the fifth cup, which according to Rambam is optional, and according to Ravad is desirable but not absolutely necessary.

The second question seems stronger.

When G-d speaks to Moses, He uses four expressions of deliverance, not five. Hence, the four cups. Asking this question, however, takes us back to the text at the beginning of our sedra. It is then that we discover, to our surprise, that there is in fact a fifth expression of deliverance:

"And I will bring you to the land I swore with uplifted hand to give to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob. I will give it to you as a possession. I am the Lord."

The drama of the fifth cup now becomes apparent. Pesach represents the start of the great journey of Jewish history, from slavery to freedom, Egypt to the promised land. What then became of it after the destruction of the Second Temple, the failure of the Bar Kochba rebellion, the Hadrianic persecutions and the long, tragic series of events that led to the greatest exile of Jewish history? Could Jews celebrate freedom under such circumstances?

The pathos of this question is evident in the opening words of the seder: 'This is the bread of affliction our ancestors ate in the land of Egypt.' The very festival that spoke of liberty gained became - for almost 2,000 years - a piogant reminder of what the Jewish people had lost: freedom, a land, a home.

In our times, the Jewish people has returned to the land.
According to one sage (the late Rabbi Menahem Kasher), we should now drink the fifth cup. Be that as it may, it is no less moving to think back to the eleventh and twelfth centuries - the age of Rashi, Rambam and Ravad - and know that in the darkest night of exile, the only question was: how far, in the present, do we celebrate hope for the future? Four fifths? Or all five? The promise G-d gave Moses at the beginning of our sedra spoke not just to that time, but to all time. Pesach kept hope alive. Hope kept the Jewish people alive.
A new phrase was born: next year. 'This year we are slaves; next year we will be free. This year we are here; next year in Israel.' The past became the future. Memory was transfigured into hope. It is not too much to call the Jewish people 'the people of hope'. What had happened once would happen again. As the prophets of exile - Jeremiah and Ezekiel - said: there would be a second exodus. The loss was only temporary. The Divine promise was for ever.
It was in this context that the debate over the fifth cup arose. Jews could speak about the four preliminary stages of redemption - but could they celebrate the fifth: 'I will bring you to the land'? That is the debate between Rashi, Rambam and Ravad. Rashi says one should not drink a fifth cup; Rambam says one may; Ravad says one should.
Hence the extra cup at the seder table. Out of respect for Rambam and Ravad, we pour it. Out of respect for Rashi, we do not drink it. According to the sages, unresolved halakhic disputes will one day be resolved by Elijah (the word Teyku, 'Let it stand [undecided],' refers to Elijah: 'The Tishbite [Elijah] will come and answer questions and problems'). Hence the fifth cup became known as 'the cup of Elijah'.

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