Christ was the Elijah, returned in 32AD.
They both did the same miracles, which was traditionally the method to identify Elijah when would come back.

Both Elijah and Jesus raised the dead
Both Elijah and Jesus were immortal.
Both Elijah and Jesus disappeared from the foot of a mountain.
Both Elijah and Jesus ascended into Heaven before witnesses.
Both Elijah and Jesus troubled Israel.
Both Elijah and Jesus were hunted down by the Jewish authorities.
Both Elijah and Jesus hid 3 days, Elijah in a cave, Jesus in the temple.
Both Elijah and Jesus pondered in the wilderness 40 days.
Both Elijah and Jesus walked on the water.
Both wrote letters to people on Earth after they had ascended.
Both appointed a successor, Elisha by Elijah, and Peter, by Christ.
Both were hunted by the Jewish authorities.
Both gave a successor the power to raise the dead.
Both gave a successor a symbolic authority, the cloak to one, the keys to the other.
Both asked that the this "cup" be taken from them.
Both are said to have had miraculous births.
Both multiplied the meal for many people they feed in the crowd.
Both destroyed the pagan worshippers and priests, one Baal, the other, the Pantheon of Rome.
Both were promised faithfulness three times, Elisha in the former and Peter, in the latter.
Both Elijah and Jesus raised the dead.

The Amplified Theistic Evolution Bible Interpretation:

Revelation 19, continued
The Theistic Evolution Bible Interpretation | Bible Preface | Genesis 1 | Genesis One, an interactive presentation: | Genesis 2: | Genesis 3: | Genesis 4: | Genesis 5: | Genesis 6: | Genesis 7: | Genesis 11: | Genesis 14: | Genesis 15: | Genesis 18  | Genesis 22: | Genesis 28: | Genesis 36: | Exodus 3 | Exodus 4 | Exodus 5 | Exodus 6 | Exodus 7 | Exodus 8 | Exodus 9 | Exodus 10 | Exodus 11 | Exodus 13 | Exodus 25 | Exodus 28 | Exodus 33 | Exodus 33 | Numbers 2 | Leviticus 19 | Deuteronomy 18 | Deuter 28 | Pslam 22 | Psalm 23 | Ps 66 | Ps 78 | Psalm 83 | Psalm 87 | Psalm 109: | Psalm 110 | Psalm 118 | 1Kings 6 | Isaiah 3: | Isaiah 11 | Isaiah 14 | Isaiah 17 | Isaiah 19 | Isaiah 24 | Isaiah 26 | Isaiah 28 | Isaiah 29 | Isaiah 29 | Isaiah 30 | Isaiah 32 | Isaiah 40  | Isaiah 41 | Isaiah 43 | Isaiah 44 | Isaiah 45: | Isaiah 49 | Isaiah 53: | Isaiah 60: | Isaiah 61: | Isaiah 62: | Isaiah 66 | Ezekiel 1 | Ezekiel 9 | Ezek 10 | Ezekiel 13 | Ezekiel 18 | Ezekiel 28 | Ezekiel 31 | Ez 34 | Ez 33 | Ez 34 | Ez 33 | Ez 34 | Ezekiel 36 | Ezekiel 36 | Ezekiel 37 | Ezekiel 38 | Ezekiel 39 | Ezekiel 43 | Ezekiel 43 | Ez 43 | Jer 7 | Jer 8 | Jeremiah 16 | Jer 19 | Jer 30 | Jer 31 | Jeremiah 31 | Jeremiah 49 | Daniel 2: | Daniel 4 | Daniel 7 | Daniel 8: | Dan 9 | Dan 10 | Dan 11 | Dan 12 | Joel 3 | Hosea 2:1 | Hosea 3 | Zechariah 1: | Zech 2 | Zech 3 | Zech 4 | Zech 5 | Zech 6 | Zechariah 8: | Zech 9 | Zech 11 | Zechariah 12 | Zechariah 13 | Zech 14 | Mal 3 | Malachi 4: | Matthew 1: | Matt 3 | Elijah | Matthew 4: | Matt 5 | Matt 9 | Matt 10 | Matt 11 | Matt 12 | Matt 17 | Matt 18 | Matthew 24 | Matt 25 | Matt 26 | Mark 8 | Luke 1 | Luk e 10 | John 1 | John 3 | John 5 | John 6 | John 6 | John 14 | John 15: | John 17 | John 21 | 1Peter 4 | Acts 2 | Romans 1 | Romans 5 | Romans 7 | Romans 8 | Romans 9 | Romans 11 | Romans 13 | Romans 12 | 1Co 13 | 1Cor 15 | 1 Ti 4 | 1 Ti 5 | 1 Thessalonians 4 | 2 Thessalonians 2 | THE REVELATION | Revelation 1: | Revelation 2 | Revelation 3 | Revelation 4 | Revelation 5 | Revelation 6: | Revelation 7 | Revelation 8 | Revelation 9 | Revelation 10 | Revelation 11 | Revelation 12 | Revelation 12 | Revelation 13: | Revelation 14 | Revelation 15 | Revelation 16 | Revelation 17: | Revelation 18: | Revelation 19 | Revelation 20 | Revelation21: | Revelation 22 | Original Revelation | Open

Rev. 19:11 And I saw heaven (psychologically speaking here : [Rev 1:16]), opened, (in my mind, a 21st Century vision), and behold a white horse, (a theological insight, unwritten and one yet to be recorded); and he that sat upon him, (the root of David, the Lion of Judah), was called (trustworthy: [pistos]), faithful and true, and in righteousness he doth judge (all things) and make war (with the long established, archaic, Iron Age, myth based, and medieval religious doctrines).

Rev. 19:12 His eyes, (his vision: [ophthalmos]), were as (flash: [phlox]), a flame of fire, and on his head, (in the sense of being seized), were many crowns (of authority: [Rev 12:1-3]); and he had a name written: [Rev 2:17], that no man knew, but he himself, (David Loeb, [ENTP]).

Rev. 19:13 And he was clothed (in his persona) with a vesture, (the New Testament), dipped in blood (of crucifixion): and his name is called: "The word of God," (as every verse is opened).

Rev. 19:14 And the armies which were in heaven, (the prophets and the bible writers), followed him, (their scripture now clearly understood as written), upon white (pages of the Two Testaments, marching with the power of) horses (expressing insights and perspectives that cut the secular and religious communities both: [Rev 1:16]), clothed in fine linen of (their own sacred contributions to scripture), white (pages) and clean, (new, to be written interpretations yet to come).

Rev. 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp (two edged: [Ps 149:5-7; Heb 4:12]) sword: ([Rev 1:16, plus dozens of duplicate passages in the Old Testament and New Testament, matching Elijah with Jesus, in undeniable analogies of bible interpretations) that with it, (dozens of duplicate verses about Elijah = Christ of 32 AD), he should smite the nations (the secular Atheists, pagans, and the religious communities of Christian, the Jews, and Muslims, alike): and he shall rule them with (the Holy Scriptures themselves), a rod of iron [Rev 2:27; 12:5]: and he treadeth the winepress, (informing his faithful) of the fierceness (of his dissatisfaction with churches, synagogues, and mosques) and wrath (of the Truth) of Almighty (Reality), God, (his long awaited moment of understanding: [Rev 10:7]).

Rev. 19:16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS, (Jesus Christ, the redeemer of human society, whose erroneous crucifixion reminds us all, the Truth can not be killed).

Rev. 19:17 And, (psychologically), I saw an angel, (the Collective Conscience), standing in the sun (of human rationality); and he cried (to both the secular and religious community) with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls (ie; non-believer, and mislead Jewish, Christian, and Muslim) that fly in the midst of (the) heaven (concerning theology), "Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper (of discussion) of the great God," (i.e.; Reality, and the grace of Truth he creates);

Rev. 19:18 That ye may eat the flesh of (1) kings, (in the Global Village), and the flesh of (2) captains (of business), and the flesh of (3) mighty men, (Military Leaders), and the flesh of (4) horses, (religious ideologies), and of (5) them that sit on them, (the priests, ministers, Imam, and Rabbi), and the flesh of all men, both (6) free, (i.e.; the craftsmen), and (7) bond, (i.e.; the peasant and working class), both small, (the poor), and great, (the rich: [Rev 6:15]).

Rev. 19:19 And I saw the (whole) beast, (like an eighth head [Rev 17:11] of Global Pan-America, the sexually misdirected society and economic empire), and the (Global Village of) kings of the earth, (the political leaders), and their armies, gathered together to make war against him, (the root of David, the Lion of Judah: [Rev 5:5]), that sat on the horse (of the philosophy claiming Truth is the son of Reality, and is its image), and against his army (of 144,000 drawn from the twelve tribes of Israel: [Rev 21:19-20]).

Rev. 19:20 And the (whole) beast, ([Rev 17:11]: the Global self-serving economic system), was taken (away), and them, (those inside the Western Culture), that wrought (technological) miracles before him, (this Global beast), with which he deceived them, (the western societies), that had received the mark of the beast, (paper money), and them, (the western world), that worshipped his image, ($), and with him the False Prophet, (Mohammed), that wrought miracles before him:
These both were cast alive into a lake of fire and burning with brimstone, (as the Special Drawing Rights, SDR, removed the American dollar from a Reserve Currency to a highly inflated worthlessness).

Rev. 19:21 And the remnant (of the Jews, those that came out of the great tribulation of the Holocaust), were (converted or) slain-of-him, (the root of David, the Lion of Judah: [Rev 5:5]), that sat upon the horse (of the Bibles), which sword (of scripture) proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls, (Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and seculars, those always a ready enemy of abuse, in regard to Bible misinterpretations), were filled with their flesh.

(Link to chapter 20)

The Messiah will furthermore win the heathen by the spirit of wisdom and righteousness which rests upon him (Sibyllines, iii. 780; Test. Patr., Levi, 18; Judah, 24; Targ. Yer. to Gen. xlix. 12 and Isa. xli. 1).

He will teach the nations the Noachian laws of humanity and make all men disciples of the Lord (Midr. Teh. xxi.).

The wonders of the time of Moses will be repeated on a larger scale in the time of the Messiah (Mek., Beshalla, Shirah, 8, after Micah vii. 15; comp. Hosea ii. 17; Targ.; Tan., Bo, ed. Buber, 6).

What Moses, the first redeemer, did is typical of what the Messiah as the last redeemer will do (Eccl. R. i. 9). The redemption will be in the same month of Nisan, (at the Passover seders), and in the same night (Mek., Bo, 14); the same pillar of cloud will lead Israel (Philo, "De Execrationibus," 8; Targ. Yer. to Isa. xxxv. 10):
the same plagues will be sent upon Israel's foes (Tan., Wa'era, ed. Buber, 15; Bo, 6, 19; Midr. Wayosha'; Jellinek, "B. H." i. 45);
the redeemer will ride on an "donkey" (Zech. ix. 9; comp. Ex. iv. 20); \

manna, (transubstantiation?) will again be sent down from heaven (Ps. lxxii. 16; comp. Ps. lxxviii. 24; Syriac Apoc. Baruch, xxix. 8);
and water rise from beneath by miraculous power (Joel iv. [A. V. iii.] 18; comp. Ps. lxxviii. 15 et seq.; Eccl. R. i. 9).

Like Moses, the Messiah will disappear for 40 days after his appearance (Pesi . R. 15; Pesi. v. 49b, after Hosea v. 15).

The same number of people will be redeemed (Sanh. 111a)
and the Song of Moses be replaced by another song , (the New Testament)(Mek., Beshalla, Shirah, 1; Rev. xv. 3).

But, like Moses, the Messiah will die (II Esd. l.c.); the opinion that the Messiah will not taste death (Midr. Teh. lxxii. 17) seems to be of later origin, and will be discussed in connection with the account of the Messiah from the tribe of Joseph or Ephraim see below).
The Messiah will furthermore win the heathen, (starting with the whole Roman Empire), by the spirit of wisdom and righteousness which rests upon him (Sibyllines, iii. 780; Test. Patr., Levi, 18; Judah, 24; Targ. Yer. to Gen. xlix. 12 and Isa. xli. 1).

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