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The Noah story of the flood and the ark is assumed to be metaphorical. The "flood" is a first hand report of the sudden rise in the Modern Homo Sapien population about 40,000 years ago. This hypothesis is confirmed by science. It is supported in scripture by the statement that "a day is a 1000 years." The "40 days and nights" where each years a 1000 years of "rain," when this story is read metaphorically. From this perspective, this story concerns the Modern Homo sapiens population, which is expanding and replacing the previous dominance of Neanderthal Man and certain earlier forms of Homo Erectus. The "world" of Neanderthal Man, as conceived in the mind of that former dominant species, is disappearing. It is being replace by a new dominant species on earth, Modern Homo sapiens. This new species, Homo sapiens, has evolved as an expanded form of consciousness whıich has the capablity to construct a mental "heaven," an abstract schemata, which better explains the realities of the world. In this new heaven of the mind and concept of the physical reality on earth, the former things, are no longer remembered the way Neanderthal understood them. For 50,000 years, in the absence of Modern Homo sapien who had not yet evolved, these men, Neanderthals, were/had been the sons of man. So, for (40) forty "nights and days," (meaning 40,000 years), Modern Homo Sapiens, the "water," the peoples and nations, exploded,... population wise. Exploded in population growth, as if it were a sudden flood or tidal wave. They apparently out-competed Neanderthal Man, the dominate Hominoid before that moment, driving him away, and probably exterminating him in the most ignoble fashion and behavior common to Modern Homos. The "ark" which is symbolic of a closed rectangular solid shaped box, refers to the Central Nervous System of Modern Homo Sapiens. Inside are the "three floors" of the mind: the Conscious Mind, the Subconscious Mind, and the Unconscious Mind. The rainbow of seven colors, which is mentioned, referred to the seven modes of thinking available to us, the seven spirits of Revelation 1:16, the seven psychological Freudian-Jungian Archetypal apparati: "And in his hand he held the seven "stars" (of our thinking process) Id, Libido, Ego, Anima, Self, Superego, Harmony. That Neanderrthal was without language, his vocal cords anatomically in the wrong place. Therefore, he had never created spoken names for the animals and wild life. In his absence, and without the power to speak language, the metaphor of the world-wide flood tells us that Noah, Modern Homo sapiens, gave names to the animals... for the first time ever, spoken names were heard on the planet!