Rev. 9:1 And (one of the seven stars, signifying The Collective Human Self: [Rev 1:20]), the fifth angel, (the Public Group
in Sociology, one of the set of seven burning candles which described the stages of the evolving church: [Rev 6:12]), sounded
(in 313 AD: with the granting of the Edict of Toleration), and I saw a star fall from heaven to earth, (the angel with the
great chain: [Rev 20:1]), and to him, (this Pope, his name Apollyon in the Greek and Abbadon in the Hebrew, in the days of
Emperor Theo I: [Rev 9:11]), was given (Political power over all the Roman World), the key of the bottomless pit (of history,
during the 1000 year reign of Christ from 54 AD, when the Book of Matthew appeared, until 1054 AD, when a second Orthodox
Church appeared: [Rev 20:4]).
Rev. 9:2 And he opened the bottomless pit (of history in 380 AD); and there arose smoke, (an ascension of prayers: [Symbolic
Dictionary]), out of the pit (of history to come), as the smoke of a great furnace (of Burnt Offering); and the sun (signs
of the pagan Astrology: [Rev 6:12]) and the air (of the pagan social norms of those times) were darkened by reason of (massive
Christian prayer meetings), the smoke of the pit (of those historical times).
Rev. 9:3 And there came out (of the ascending prayers) of the smoke, (proselytizing hoards of Christians, as if) locust,
(eating up the pagan doctrines) upon the earth (which were in support of the old mythological social order): and unto them
was given (the) power (of the canonized Holy Comforter, i.e.; the New Testament, in 382 AD), as the scorpions of the earth
(also) have power.
Rev. 9:4 And it was commanded them that they, (THE LOCUSTS), should not hurt the grass (taking root in the early Christian
membership: [Rev 7:3]) of the earth, (within their own society), neither any (young) green thing, (like the new Christian
creeds, and even heretical gnostic sects), neither any tree (long established amongst the Social Institutions: [Rev 7:1]);
but only those (pagan) men which have not the (Cross), seal of God, (the Ashes upon) their forehead: [Rev 7:3], (which symbolized
the cube-shaped box of the Tefillin: [Ex 28:30]).
Rev. 9:5 And to them, (the Roman pagans), it was given (by Emperor Theo I, in 380 AD) that they should not kill them,
but that they should be tormented (BY RELIGIOUS AUTHORITY OVER THEM) five months,...
... (5 X 30 = 150 years, i.e.; from the legalization of Christianity by the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, until the Fall
of Rome in 475 AD = 150 years): and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, (SOME TORTURES AS WITH THE RACK, THE WHIP,
THE STAKE) when he striketh a man.
Rev. 9:6 And in those days, (AS IN THE INQUISITION LATER TO COME), shall men seek death (from the pain of forced Christian
conversion), and shall not find it; and shall desire to die (to escape the torture), and death shall flee from them.
Rev. 9:7 And the (SYMBOLIC) shapes of the locusts (feeding upon the decimation of Roman Paganisms) were like unto horses,
(SYMBOL OF SPEED OF THOUGHT: [Symbolic Dictionary]), prepared unto battle (AGAINST THE PAGAN RELIGIONS); and on their heads
were as it were, (halos), crowns like gold, (THE SYMBOL OF SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT: [Symbolic Dictionary]), and their faces
were as the faces of men, (the 144,000 monks of the Monastic Age: [Rev 7]).
Rev. 9:8 And they, (these unshaven monks under oath), had hair as, (THE SYMBOL OF THE WARRIOR: [Symbolic Dictionary]),
Dictionary]), and their teeth were as the teeth of lions (OF JUDAH: [emblem of the Tribe of Judah: [Rev 5:5]).
Rev. 9:9 And they had, (by 382 AD), breastplates (of the New Testament, just canonized), as it were, (The Word, [John
1:1], symbolically, of Christ, Himself, as) breastplates of iron, (the ROD OF INDISPUTABLE EVANGELIA: [Rev 2:27]); and the
sound of their wings, (SPIRITUAL DOGMAS), was as the sound of chariots (DELIVERING THE TRUTH), as of many horses, (SYMBOL
OF SPEED OF THOUGHT: [Symbolic Dictionary]), running to battle (AGAINST THE PAGAN AND JEW, TOO).
Rev. 9:10 And they had tails, (STRETCHING BACK A FEW MILLENNIUM), like unto scorpions (in that, they revealed the ancient
Hebrew Mystery in Scripture, [Kabbalah, as it is known today]), and there were stings (OF TRUTH) in their tails, (in accord
with the ancient written Scriptures): and their power was to hurt (PAGAN AND JEWISH ORGANIZED RELIGIOUS ANIMISMS) five months,
(5 x 30 years or 150 YEARS, i.e.; from 325 AD, when Christianity became legalized, to 475 AD, with the fall of the Roman World).
Rev. 9:11 And they, (the 144,000 undefiled virgins, monks, of the Monastic Age: [Rev 14:4]) had a king, (called Pope),
over them, which is the angel (who binds the libidinal Satanic social excesses for 1000 years of the Dark Ages: [Rev 9:1;
20:1-3]) of the bottomless pit (of time), whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, (DESTROYER), but in the Greek tongue,
(in the Greek Mythology), hath his name Apollyon, (God of the Sun, or Pope)