1Tim. 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the (Renaissance of the) latter
times, (after the end of the thousand year reign of Universal Christianity), some shall depart from
the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits (of sexual license), and (the liberalization of marriage
vows to include divorce, gay marriages, adolescent sexual freedom, the ridiculing of virginity, condoning multiple pre-marital
sex partners, inclusion of open marriages, and such aberations, and hearing ancient) doctrines (of
supposed sacred oaths) of (exploitive) devils (who are beneficiaries of such
behaviors, lawyers, mothers, fathers, ministers, government, employers...);
1Tim. 4:2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy (of their own statistical facts of 60 % divorce, abortion of 1/3
of all pregnancies, half of all babies born fatherless, Welfare at $1 Trillion dollars annually, 70% of violent crime by bastards,
and sociological evidence of post-marital sexual malfunctions), having their conscience seared (shut)
with a hot iron (of self interest in feminism);
1Tim. 4:3 Forbidding (young people) to marry (until an average age of 26 years),
and commanding (the folly of abstinence in order) to abstain from meats (of
their God-given hormonal drives) which God hath created (in us by age 13) to be received
(and exercised close to the days of puberty) with thanksgiving (for the nature intended) of
them which believe (God granted and condones satisfaction of the sexual drives he, himself, created) and
know the truth, (that society manipulates the youth in order to channel their behavior onto paths useful for the society
of this man-made world).