1Tim. 5:11 But the younger widows (to include those in modern society who through divorce are equivalent
to such a condition): refuse (early marriages), for when they have begun to wax
wanton against Christ, they will marry; (for self interest and economic advancements only)
1Tim. 5:12 Having damnation, because they have cast off their first faith (in the promises of altruistic
service to their husband, their family, and their community).
1Tim. 5:13 And withal they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house, (or shopping until
they drop); and not only idle, but tattlers (concerning the manipulation of the men), also and busybodies
(into the sex lives of their girl friends), speaking things which they ought not (about the commercial
nature of distributing their sexual favors in a feminist empowerment of society).
1Tim. 5:14 I will therefore that the younger women marry (while their still young husband is at
the peak of his sexual drive), bear children (instead of compromise themselves into abortions, chasing
after more desirable second and third marriages, and economic employment), guide the house (of their
growing children), give none occasion to the adversary (of the social promotion of STD, promiscuity,
and sexual license in the name economic aggrandizement), to speak reproachfully (of this ancient,
and supposedly sacred, marital institution).
1Tim. 5:15 For some are already turned aside, (chasing down the best of catches) after
(young men in whom is that) Satan, (whose hormones rages in the libidos of these young men who now
are asked by Society to wait marriage out until age 28).