13 + 4 + 5 = 22, the number of bones on the hand |
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Ezek. 1:4 And I looked, and, behold, (in this vision),
a whirlwind (of thoughts) came out of the north (of the temple of my mind), a great cloud (of veiled priestly secrets), and a
fire (of burning insight) infolding itself, and a (awesome) brightness was about it, (the
Secret Esoteric Knowledge of Israel), and out
of the midst (of all the repressive circumstances of the moment) thereof, as (blending into a certain understanding, like) the colour of amber, out of the midst of the (destructive) fire (of this Babylonian Captivity).
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The use of the hand as a tool that allowed the Jewish priests to cue their memories of the Torah was a wonderful device in
itself. It was an effective Loci Memory System that was essential, especially in regard to the Book of Genesis. The other
books of Torah were added to Genesis slowly, over a period of 40 years. Deuteronomy reminds us that even Moses' death was
part of the account that Torah reports to us now. Torah is a story about daily life in the Sinai, which further complicated
the writing of the story.
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In the heat and dryness of the Sinai Desert a text would have been difficult to write. But the ideas expressed in Genesis
were immediately necessary, in order for these Jews to recognize their own heritages. Remembering the tales correctly required
some sort of fence around the facts, such that the stories would remain unchanged over years of orally memorized vocalizations.
This hand coding system was that fence. It was a memory system tool which assured the validity of Genesis to its audience
for a duration of over two generations of time in the desert. But this unwritten memory system continue long after Jews found
their way into Israel. The Torah was finally set to writing in 900 BC, when it was first canonized.
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Evidence for what is reported here can be found in the Talmud. According to Aboth 3:13 (the Talmud), Rabbi Akiba used to speak
of a "fence" to the Torah. This word, in Hebrew, is a word which has given a name to those scholars we call the
Masoretes. These men, today, continue to guard the Hebrew Sccriptures.
The Amplified Theistic Evolution Bible Interpretation:
Ezek 1: The Secret Doctrine of Israel
Ezek 1:1-2 Now it came to pass in the thirtieth (13) year, in the fourth (4) month, in the fifth (5) day of the month,
(13 + 4 + 5 = 22, the number of bones on the winnowing fork-like hand: [Matt 3:12]), as I was among the captives by the river of Chebar (during the Babylonian exile), that the heavens (within my mind) were
opened, and I saw visions, (in my thinking), of God).
In the fifth (5) day of the month, (one hand), which was the fifth
(5) year of king Jehoiachinís (Babylonian) captivity, (on the other hand, 5 +5 = 10 fingers on my my two priestly
hands), the word of the LORD came expressly, (authoritatively
told: [amar: Hebrew]), unto Ezekiel the priest, (Levite, Kohanim, of the Hand Blessing), the son of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar; and the (fanned out) hand of the LORD (with fingers paired and spread: Luke 3:17-19), was there upon him.
SOURCE: Encyclopedia Judaica |
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Ezek. 1:5-7
Also out of the midst thereof came (before my face) the likeness of four living creatures, (the four fingers on my
right hand: [Rev 1:16]). An d this was their appearance; they had
the likeness of a man, (of course). And every one
(in my imagination), had four faces, (appearing to me upon
the four knuckles), and every one had (symbolically), four "wings," (which were the four fingers extending from them). And (the three digits of each finger), their "feet," were straight feet; and the sole, (the nail of the third digit), of these "feet," (the finger nail), was
like the sole of a calf's foot: and (those nails, in the fire), they sparkled like the colour of burnished brass.
Ezek. 1:8-9 And, (when clenched), they had the hands of a man UNDER their "wings" (of the four fingers), on their four sides; and they four, ((the four faces of the beast upon the knuckles), had their (4) faces and their (four [4] sets of three [3] digits on these) wings (of their four [4] fingers).
Their wings were (articulated), joined one to another (three phalanges articulated one to the next); they turned not (like flapping wings of birds might) when they went, (but could move in a waving motion); they
went every one (pointing) straight forward.
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Ezek. 1:10 As for the likeness of their faces... (they were identical to the four emblems of the four tribes around the Tabernacle!),...
they four had the face of a man (on the knuckle of the ring
finger), and the face of a lion (on the knuckle of the index
finger): and they four had the face of an ox (on the little
finger); they four also had the face of an eagle (on the
middle finger's knuckle).