Rev. 8:7 The first angel, (sourced by the Anima, collectively, in the Sociological Crowd Group, sought self-restraint in
opposing the pagan Roman hedonism), sounded (in 313 AD), and there followed hail (of new scriptural insights) and fire (in
the baptism of psychic awakenings) mingled with blood, (which is symbolic of religious conversion: [see Symbolic Dictionary]),
and they were cast upon the earth: and, (in the Western Roman World), the third part, (the Pagan part) of (the three religious
institutions, being the Pagan, the Jewish, and the Christian) trees, (i.e.; the Pagan part), was burnt up, and all (the membership
or) green grass (of the next generation of its Pagan congregations) was burnt up, (too).
Rev. 8:8 And (the Sociological Mass Group), the second angel, (the force of the human Libido, amassed enormous Christian
fellowship), sounded, and as it were a great mountain, (The New Testament), burning with fire (of God: [Matt 3:12]) was cast
(in its canonization in 382 AD) into the sea (of the Gentiles): and the third part of (the Western World, which was Pagan,
Jewish, and Christian), the sea (of the Gentiles), became (Christians by decree of Emperor Theo I, in 380 AD, symbolized by)
blood (and blood shed if pagans in the mandatory religious conversion to the Cross);
Rev. 8:9 And (in the Roman World), the third part of the creatures, (those people in their pagan Temples and congregations)
which were in the sea (of the Gentiles), and had life (until Christianity), died (out);
and, (in the Roman Empire), the third part of the ships, (their pagan doctrines and philosophies), were destroyed, (leaving
only the Jews and Christians inside of Europe).

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Rev. 8:10 And (the Sociological Integrated Group, the Superego source of educated people, those who were outside of the Roman
world), the third angel sounded, and there fell (in 616 AD, before the pagan Arabs) a great star from heaven, (Mohammed: [Rev
6:1-8]), burning as (if) it were a lamp (of insights and social reactions to the neighboring monotheism of Roman Christianity),
and it fell upon the third, (Middle Eastern) part, of the rivers (of the Euphrates and the Tigris, and the Nile), and upon
the fountains (of Arabia) of (those people outside the Roman Empire), waters (of multitudes in Arabia, Babylon, Persia, and
all North and East Africa);
Rev. 8:11 And the name of the star, (Mohammed), is called Wormwood, (like vermouth wine, because it tastes sweet in the
mouth, but bitter as Sharia when swallowed): and the third part (of the world) of the waters (of multitudes in the Middle
East) became wormwood (or Sharia); and many men died (by the sword of Islam) of the waters (of the Muslim multitudes), because
they were made bitter (in conversion to the theocracy of Sharia).
Rev. 8:12 And the fourth angel, (the Collective force of Lucifer, or the Id), sounded, and (in the Muslim Empire), the
third part (of that pre-Christian world, worshipping) of the Sun (Signs), was smitten, and the third part (of the world, under
the influence) of the Moon, and the third part of the (known world to worship the) stars; so as the third part (of the once
worldwide belief in Astrological worship), of them, was darkened (in the known world), and the day (of mythological and astrological
religion) shone not for a third part of it, (in the known world), and the (science of the) night, (the Astrological wisdom
of the stars), likewise, (fell out of use by 475 AD).
(link to chapter 9)