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(1) Seth, (Australopithecus anamensis)
(2) Enos, (Australopithecus africanus)
(3) Cainan, (Astralopithecus aethiopicus)
(4) Mahalaleel, (Astralopithecus garhi)
(5) Jared, (Homo rudolfensis)
(6) Enoch, (Homo habilis, walked with God towards the evolution of Homoiousian man)
(7) Methuselah, (Modern Homo erectus)
(8) Lamech, (Australopithecus antecessor)
(9) Noah, (Archaic Homo sapiens, Cro-Magnon man) (10) Shem, (Mongolian)
(11) Ham, (Negroid)
(12) Japheth, (Caucasian)
The Amplified Theistic Evolution Bible Interpretation:
The text of Genesis 5 compared to the present paleonotology.
Gen. 5:1 This is the book of the generations of Adam (Sahelanthropus
tchadensis). In the day, (7 million years ago when humans diverged from apes),that God created man, (Hominoids), in
the likeness, (mentally), of God, (the
external Universe to these creatures), made he him;
5:2 Male and female created he THEM;...
... and blessed THEM, and called THEIR name Adam (Sahelanthropus tchadensis), in the day when THEY, (the
first hominoids),were created.
..."called THEM 'Adam'"...?
A species?

A close reading of the scripture (Gen 5:2) supports this idea of Paleontology/Genealogy because the text states that
"THEY" are called Adam.
Genetic evidence now reveals that 7 million years ago, by an Act-of-God, a mutation inside the womb of a mother Ape, fused
together two for her 24 chromosomes, and created an new species which has only 23 chromosome pairs.
That birth of the species called Adam, Gen 5:2, has since been passed down to each of use alive today.
On the ends of every chromosome, you should find special genetic markers, or sequences of DNA called "telomeres." And in their
middles, you should find different genetic markers called "centromeres." But if a mutation occurred in the past, causing two
pairs of chromosomes to fuse, we should find evidence in those genetic markers: telomeres not only at the ends of the new
chromosome, but also at their middles, and not one, but two centromeres.
This evidence has been found in Chromosome Number 2. All of the marks of the fusion of those chromosomes, predicted by common
descent and evolution, all those marks are present on human Chromosome Number 2. Finding a structure like this in our chromosomes
explains why humans have one pair fewer than the great apes.
(Link to fused chromosomes)
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Gen. 5:3 And Adam, (Sahelanthropus tchadensis), lived an hundred
and thirty (thousand) years, and begat a son in his own likeness,
after his image; and called his name Seth, (Australopithecus
Gen. 5:4 And the days of Adam, (Sahelanthropus
tchadensis), after he had begotten Seth, (Australopithecus anamensis), were eight hundred (thousand) years: and he begat (Sahelanthropus tchadensis) sons and daughters:
Gen. 5:5 And all the days that Adam, (Sahelanthropus tchadensis), lived were nine hundred and thirty (thousand) years: and he died.
(More on Extinction)
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Gen. 5:6 And Seth, (Australopithecus anamensis), lived an hundred and five (thousand) years, and begat Enos, (Australopithecus africanus): Gen. 5:7 And Seth, (Australopithecus anamensis), lived after he begat Enos, (Australopithecus
africanus), eight hundred and seven (thousand) years, and begat(Australopithecus anamensisian) sons and daughters, (the two species living concurrently):
Gen. 5:8 And all the days of Seth, (Australopithecus anamensis), were nine hundred and twelve (thousand) years: and
he died (out, extinct).