The end of days... Dan. 12:11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, (in 70 AD), and
(until) the abomination, (the Dome of the Rock), that maketh (the Most Holy Place)
desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days, (690 + 1290 = 1980 AD, preceded by the re-establishment
of the State of Israel, [the sign of the fig tree,] and the establishment of Jerusalem as Capital of Israel: [Matt 24:32).
Dan. 12:12 Blessed is he, (1290 years following the 690 AD construction of the Dome of the Rock, that is: 1290 + 690 = 1980 AD), that waiteth (45 more years), and cometh to (the end), the thousand, three hundred and five and thirty days, (2K25 AD, i.e.; 2025AD).
Last updated on 10/6/2022, 1:08:06 AM