Exodus 13:9 And it, (this single unit, this center component, the Thummim of the cube), shall be for a sign, (a Thummim),
unto thee, UPON THY HAND, and (an Urim) for a memorial (of four compartments inside the cube) between thine eyes, that the
LORD'S law (formed from the 22 letters upon the surfaces of these geometries) may be in thy mouth: for with A STRONG HAND
brought thee out of Egypt.

Exod.. 13:16 And it, (this single unit, center component, the Thummim of the cube), shall be for a token upon thine hand,
and for (four) front lets, (these four compartments of the cube), between thine eyes: for by strength of hand the LORD brought
us forth out of Egypt.

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Deut.. 6:8 And thou shalt bind them, (the five geometry's), for a sign, (the one unit, center component) upon thine hand,
and they shall be as (four) frontlets, (these four compartments of the cube), between thine eyes.
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Deut. 11:18 Therefore shall ye lay up these my (twenty-two) words, (the letters of the Holy Alphabet), in your heart and
in your soul, and bind them for a sign, (a Thummim), upon your hand, (this single unit, center component of the cube), that
they may be as (four) frontlets, (these four compartments of the cube), between your eyes.

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