Reality evolving:
Ex 3:14 God, (i.e.; Reality, itself), said to Moshe, ("Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh," [I am/will be what I am/will be,"]
and added), "Here is what to say to the people of Isra'el: 'Ehyeh,' [I am, or, I Will Be What I Become], has sent me
to you.'"
The Early Universe originated with the expansion of an unbelievably hot and dense "something;" hotter than the tens of millions
of Kelvins in the cores of most stars, denser than the trillions of grams per cubic centimeter in the nucleus of any atom.
Precisely what that state was, we cannot say for sure. And why it "exploded," we really don't know.
At best, science contends that in the beginning a singularity released an outward burst of pure, radiant energy.
Why the Universe suddenly began expanding more than 10 billion years ago is a most intractable query, so formidable that scientists
are currently unaware even how to formulate a meaningful question about it.
To continue: Clck here Genesis 1:2