And thou dost know, and dost consider wisely (the number of years), from, (event #1), the going forth of the word to restore, (the
decree of return for the Jews by Cyrus the Great; 539 BCE), and, (event #2), to build Jerusalem, (i.e.; from 516 BC when construction is completed on the Second Temple
in Jerusalem, ending the 70th year of captivity), ... till, (event #3), Messiah the Leader, (1 AD), is seven weeks ({Athnac, [stop]}: 49
years. Counting from that decree in 539 and subtracting 7X7: 539 - 49 = 490 = 70X7, the years determined until the birth of
And,...[see note below]
...(event #4) sixty and two weeks, (from His crucifixion in 33 + 62 X 7 = 33 + 434 = 467AD,
Universal Christ under Leo I): the broad place, (Hebrew;rachab: enlarged early Hebrew-Christianity),
hath been built again, (after the destruction of the 2nd Temple in 70 AD), and
the rampart, (the defensive wall of Constantine the Great), even in the distress of the times
(which were during the 2nd Temple construction: [Ezra 4-7]; and, in regard to the formation of the Universal Millennium Christian
Kingdom of the 1000 years of monasticism vs papal Catholicism, while the Pagan religions were still tolerated, and Christian
authority between Rome and Constantinople existed: [Matt. 24:24-26]).