Gen. 1:14 And God, (Almighty Reality),
said, (for the purpose of Sidereal Time), Let there be (these two)
lights in the firmament of the
heaven, (for the reason) to divide the (12 hour) day from the (12 hour) night (in units of 24 hour days); and let them be for (the purpose of the stars
of the Zodiac), signs, (which are used, astronomically, as symbolic references), and for (the purpose to designate) times, (separating the
almost life-less Cryptozoic Eon from the abundant, life-filled Phanerozoic Eon), and for (the 24 hour periods to be called) days, (the ”days” of 24 hours
as distinguished from the "days" of the Seven Geological Eras), and years (of 365+ days).