Rev. 1:20 The mystery of the seven stars, (the meaning of the seven psychic archetypes), which thou sawest in my right hand,
("cued" on the seven double digits of the Hand-of-God, in the manner of the priesthood since Aaron: [Rev 1:16]),
and the seven golden (spiritual) candlesticks, (seven Social Forces all burning continuously throughout the seven developmental
stages of Christian growth).
The seven (psychic) "stars" are the (Freudian/Jungian) angels, (Archetypes, symbolizing the seven Jean Piaget/Erikson
psychological mental sets underlying the cultural paradigms of the Christian maturation) of the seven churches: and the seven
candlesticks which thou sawest are (the seven different historical and developmental periods of Christianity), the seven churches:

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[(1) Ephesus, from the Age of the Apostles through the earliest church, and unto
(2) Smyrna, when the martyrs did suffer the Tribulation instigated by Diocletian 303-13, and unto
(3) the predicted coming of the Lord upon the clouds during Pergamos, after the 313 AD Edict of Toleration and the recognition
of Christianity by Emperor Constantine, in 325 AD, and unto
(4) Thyatira, the formation of Universal Roman Catholicism, in 380 AD, and institution of the Papacy in 467AD, and unto
(5) Sardis, the Reformed Catholic Church beginning in pre-Neoplitian times, and unto
(6) Philadelphia, the Protestantism begun with the Edict of Martin Luther, in 1517 AD and the Augsburg Confession of
1530, and unto
(7) Loacidea, the Humanistic Christianity of the New World.]