Revelation 22:1 And he shewed me a pure (the Collective Unconscious Mind,... like a) river of (of Sane humans),... water, of (ever evolving) life,
(every Human cued from ancient phylo-genetic sources, stored away in 23 Human Chromosomes) clear as crystal,
(all this), proceeding out of (the scriptures as it happens now), the (Bible), throne of God:
(Rev 4) (i.e.; almighty Reality, image within man as Truth: [Gen 1:26-7]), and the lamb,...
(slaughtered, Jesus, messiah ben Joseph, our Conscience).
Rev. 22:2 In the midst of the street of it, (this religious paradigm of the New Jerusalem:
[Rev 21:16]), and on either side (of the massive ensuing Homoiousian sapiens evolution) of the river (of mankind into the next social age), was there the (biological)
tree of (animal and plant) life which; is a bare twelve (psychological),
manner of (human) fruits, (one for each of man's twelve Jungian
Functional Psychological Thinking perspectives: [Rev 21:12], each a distinct philosophical outlook similar to Myers/Briggs
Test Type predispositions), and yielded her (human) fruit (of
these twelve evolving types of man) every month (in accord with the human Menstrual Cycle):
and the (unfolding) leaves (of the ensuing generations) of the tree (of biological life) were for the healing of the nations,
(through their Geo-political and religious social works). Rev 22:3 And there shall be no more
curse (the Virtue of Selfishness; is discarded): but the throne of God, (The Bible),
and of the Lamb, (heralding, The Truth shall make you free),
shall be in it, (this paradigm of the New Jerusalem:[Rev 21:16] of Truth); and
his servants, (these new creatures: [1Co 15:51,52; James 1:18] of twelve Jungian Functional Psychological Thinking
perspectives: [Rev 21:12], each a distinct philosophical outlook, similar to Myers/Briggs Test Types predispositions: [Rev
2:17) shall serve him, (in altruism to their fellow men):
Rev. 22:4 And they shall see (Truth), his face, (ie; truth
is the face of Reality); and his name, (which is Reality), shall be (Tefillin
-like Cubes) in their foreheads [Rev 14:1].
Rev. 22:5 And there shall be no night there (in their Unconscious mind); and
they need no candle (of witnesses thereafter), neither light of the sun (to show
them more truths); for the Lord God, (by means of their own Unconscious mind) giveth
them light (from phylogenetic memories stored within their own mind): and they (as
new Sane creatures evolved upon the Earth; [Humans = 99% Insane: Abraham Maslow; 1Co 15:51,52; James 1:18]) shall
reign for ever and ever.'
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