Rev. 21:1 And I saw a new heaven, (an enlarged Consciousness), and a new earth
(resulting from these emerging sociological behaviors) thereafter: for the first heaven (of semi-consciousness:[1Cor.
13:12]) and the first earth (of Paganistic practices) were passed away; and there
was no more sea (of unconscious behavior).
Rev. 21:2 And I, John, saw the holy "city, " (in the geometry of a Cube: [Rev 21:16], a new paradigm
in the thinking of men), a new (cubic) Jerusalem, (i.e.; the revealed
Urim and Thummim which is the device through which men divine the will of God:[Ex 28:30]), coming down
(into the Christians' mind, as the trump of Truth: [Rev 7:1, i.e.; the seal of God]) from God, , (Trinity,
saying “Father, Son, and Holy Ghost:” [Rev 3:12]), out of (the) heaven
(of man's thinking), prepared as a bride, (Truth), adorned for (the Reality
of man’s existence), her husband,(to whom must adapt the next evolution of mankind, Homoiousian
sapiens: [2Co5:17).

(graphic is link to next page) |
Rev. 21:15 And he that talked with me (Zechariah 2:1-2; Ezekiel 10:5) had
a golden (sacred) reed (written full with scripture) to measure the
(cube-shaped) "city" (of the new bible paradigm), and the gates (of doctrinal
access) thereof, and the wall (of interpretive containment) thereof.
Rev. 21:16 And (Zion: [Ps 87:3]), the "city"
(of this new bible paradigm), lieth foursquare, (as does the Breastplate of Judgement), and
the length is as large as the breadth, (a square): and he measured (in the scripture) the "city" (of the new bible paradigm), with the reed (of a geometry), twelve
thousand furlongs, (1500 miles long). The LENGTH (1500 miles long) and the
BREADTH (1500 miles long) and the HEIGHT (1500 miles long) of it are equal,
(the cubic box of the new paradigm, like unto the shape of both the Most Holy Place and Kaaba).
(link to more on the New Jerusalem)