Rev. 12:13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman,
(Judaeo-Christianity), which brought forth (the Church of Christ that had reigned the 1000
years of Monastic Dark Ages), the (i.e.;) man child, (that was
to reign the 1000 years of Monasticism during the Dark Ages]),
Rev. 12:14 And to the woman, (Judaeo-Christianity: including the 10 Lost Tribes of Ephraim,
in time, [1000 years], and times, [1000 years again], and half a times [500 years]: [Dan 12:7], or in 2500 - 724 BC = 1776
AD) were given, (in 1776 AD), two wings of a great (American)
eagle: [Ez 17:22-24] that she might fly [Deut 4:27] into the wilderness (of the New World), where she, (i.e.; Israel), is nourished: [Hos 2:15 -16] for a time (of a century), and
times (of another century), and half a time, (i.e.; 50 years: 1776 + 250, until
2025 AD years, [Dan 12:11-12]), from the face of the (pagan) serpent,
(the sexually empowering social force behind the economy of the ancient Dragon which had been resurrected in the Renaissance:
[Rev 20:3], when she, i.e.; Israel, shall oppose the paganistic sexual excesses of the beast which fuels the consumerism in
the economic Industrial/Military/Political Complex).
Rev. 12:15 And the serpent (i.e.; the resurgence of the sexual promiscuity of the Renaissance re-visited
in the form of the former Roman and Greek culture of pagan immorality) cast out of his mouth "water" (in a migration),
as a flood, (into the New World of America) after the woman, (the Protestant and Jewish immigration to America
which accompanied the European colonial invaders), that he might cause her to be deluded (by gold seekers and mercenaries)
of the (mixed) flood (of immigrants). Rev. 12:16 And the earth (in its vastness of the New World)
helped the woman,(the Protestant and Jewish immigration), and the earth opened her mouth, (in revealing a new
unknown land in the West), and absorbed the (mixed) flood (of immigrants) which the dragon (that old
serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, that SYSTEM OF SEXUAL MORES which deceiveth the whole world) cast out of his mouth. Rev.
12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, [Judaism/Protestantism] and went to make war with the remnant of
her seed (which had been born to her), which keep the commandments of God, (i.e.; observe Torah), and have the
testimony of Jesus Christ, (as set before them by the Protestant Christians: [Rev 3:7-13]).
(click for Rev 13)
Another interpretation seems possible here too:
Rev. 12:14 And (again), to the woman, (Judaeo-Christianity), were given, (in 552 BC, in the first year
of Belshazzar, the son of King Nabonidus, who was made co-regent in 553 B.C: [Dan 5:30]), two wings of a great, (and
now American), eagle, [Ez 17:22-24], that she, (Judaeo-Christianity), might fly into the wilderness (of
the Gentile World), where she is nourished: [Hos 2:15 -16] for a time (of a millennium), and times (of
another millennium), and half a time, (500 years), from the face of the (pagan) serpent (2500 - 552 =
until 1948 AD, the re-creation of the State of Israel, when she shall be in-gathered to the Promise Land: [Hos 2:15 -16]).