Rev. 3:18 I
counsel thee i.e.; (the leadrship of the present churches) to buy of me gold,... (the
golden spiritual insights of the irrepressible idea of psychic consciousness emerging from scripture) ... tried
in the fire... (of time),... that thou mayest be rich... (in continued church leadership);
and (re-interpret upon) white (yet unwritten, new pages), raiment,...
(of revised books of your evermore obvious misinterpretations), ...that thou mayest be clothed...
(and protected in thine thinking with secularly acceptable scriptural confirmations) ...and that the shame...
(as visited in Geocentricism, in Creationism, in seeing literal world-wide floods, and ignoringEvolution as stad in Gen 4
and Gen 5, etc) ... of thy nakedness... (of your unsupportable intuitive irrationalities)
not appear... (and confront you);
anoint thine eyes...(awaken!)... with (the) eyesalve... (of factual
empirical truths), ...that thou mayest see... (socio-psychologically the Truth).
Rev. 3:20 Behold, (as the great psychic Unconsciousness), I, (Jesus Christ), stand at the door (of
your Conscious mind), and knocking (to titillate your thinking): if any man hears and listens to, (and is thinking
about this), and heeds my voice, (i.e.; consciously understands what is said), and opens the door (to acceptance),
I, (the Unconscious psyche in this kingdom within: [Luke 17:21]), will eat (or interact) with him, and he
with me.
Rev. 3:21 To him that overcomes (the medieval interpretations and contemplates beyond the common scriptural misunderstandings),
I will grant him (the wisdom) to sit besides me, (in the ideal state of understanding the truth) on my Throne
(or this Bible), as I, myself, overcame, (i.e.; also was transfigured mentally), and sat down (in the form of
Truth) beside my Father, (or Reality), on His throne, (which is the creation, itself.)
(link to chapter 4)