Rev. 8:2 And I saw the seven (Freudian archetypal spiritual components of the psyche of man), angels, (psychic messengers),
which stood before (Reality), God, (within the Kingdom of the Mind: [Luke 17:21]); and to them, (the seven manifestations
of Mars, the Id; Saturn, the Libido; Moon, the Ego; Venus, the Anima; Sun, the Self; Mercury, the Superego; and Jupiter, or
Harmony seeking Self-Efficacy), were given seven (psychic) trumpets (to blast into the Consciousness of mankind: Freud, 1920).
Rev. 8:3 And another angel, (an eighth, man's Conscience, symbolized by the Cross: [Rev 5:5]), came and stood at the (Cube-shaped)
altar having a golden (sacred) censer, (now called The Kabbalah); and there was given unto him (to expose) much, (as if) incense
(rising toward heaven), that he should offer it, (that incense of his Kabbalistic decoded scripture: [Rev 5:5]), with the
prayers of (remorse to) all saints upon the (sacred) golden (Cube-shaped) altar (that held all of the 22 words of God) which
was before the throne (of the Bible).
Rev. 8:4 And, the (scriptural meanings, like) smoke of the incense, (these interpretations written in what had been the
previously closed Book: [Rev 5:5]), which came (even before Jesus had been born, in the Revelation of chapters 4-22, which
had been written, in Hebrew, @ 200 BC), with the prayers of the (Jewish) saints, (back then), ascended up before (Reality),
God, (in the form of Truth, within the kingdom of the Collective Mind of mankind), out of the angel's hand.
Rev. 8:5 And the angel (of human Conscience) took the censer, (The Kabbalah), and filled it with (the 22 words of) fire
of the (Cube-shaped) altar (of Scripture, [Matt 3:12]), and cast it (before men), into the earth: and there were voices (in
discussion), and thunderings (of objections), and lightnings (of common understandings), and an earthquake (of Urim and Thummim:
[Ex 28:30) exposed the Pattern of Understanding, the kabbalah within the disciplines of secular academics, science, psychology,
and theology).
Rev. 8:6 And the seven (Freudian archetypal spiritual components of the psyche of man), angels (within the Kingdom of
the Mind: [Luke 17:21]), which had the seven trumpets, (the seven sources of man's social maturation, ([Jean Piaget]: ala
Lucifer, the Id; Satan, the Libido; Mammon, the Ego; Devil, the Anima; Beelzebub, the Self; the False Prophet, the Superego;
and the False Shepherd, Harmony-seeking Self-Efficacy): prepared themselves to sound (out the paradigms of our Social Order)
(return to chapter 8)