Rev. 11:15 And the seventh angel (of the long evolving church of Laodicea: [Rev 1:11]) sounded (after the Holocaust);
and there were great voices (of prophets in that Age of Harmony) in heaven (as men understood that the fig tree had bloomed,
and the Jews were back in Israel, May 1948 AD), saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the (12) kingdoms of our Lord,
(i.e.; the Reality of the Global Village), and of his Christ, (who was The Elijah, returned in 32 AD); and he shall reign
for ever and ever, (as Truth, the son-of-Reality, which is the Almighty).
Rev. 11:16 And the four and twenty elders, (authors of the 24 books of the Old Testament: [Rev 4:4]), which sat before
God, (the Reality of those circumstances), on their (24) seats (of the Old Testament), fell upon their faces (as their words
found clear historical validity), and worshipped God, (who is Reality).
Rev. 11:17 Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord, (Reality), God, Almighty, which art (daily unfolding), and wast (recorded
as the Truth,... in the past), and art to come, (as Reality will unfold moment by moment, forever); because thou, (Reality),
hast taken to thee,... thy great power, (the power of change!),... and hast reigned (in accord with your own Law of Probability).

Urim and Thummim: [Ex 28:30] |
(link to chapter 12)
Rev. 11:18 And the (Islamic) nations were angry, and thy wrath is come (as terrorism begins, in resistance to an Israel:
[Rev 6:1-8]), and the time of the dead, (the dead prophets such as Daniel, Ezekiel, Revelation, etc), that they should be
judged (whether they are fulfilled???),... and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets (of old),
and to the saints (of Jesus), and them that fear thy name, small and great, (because they have been trying to save humanity
from more self inflicted wounds); and (you) shouldest destroy them, (the Muslim Ottoman Empire, on the one hand,... the Feminist
Harlots and outspoken Gay advocates of No Fault Divorce, the half naked Western World, on the other hand), which... (this
Battle between Patriarchy vs Matriarchy)... destroy the earth.
73% of inner ity kids are fatherless on Welfare |

Violent Crimes = Fatherlessness |
Rev. 11:19 And the (Cube-shaped) temple of God, (Truth), was opened in heaven (in the kingdom within people's minds:
[Luke 17:21]), and there was seen in his temple the ark (of 12 people, a living Urim and Thummim) of (Christ), his testament,
(in that, by this physical presence, the device of the Urim and Thummim is exposed. It is a device by which we understand
what is the Truth,... [John 14:6-12]. It is modeled as a five part Cube): and, (consequently), there were lightnings
(of internet communications), and voices (inside the churches: [Rev 21:16], the mosques, with their own Cube-shaped Kaaba,
and the synagogue's Cube-shaped Most Holy Place: [1Kings 6:20), and thunderings (of those who saw the Cube which describes
the Truth, and recognized what was imaged as almighty Reality, itself), and an earthquake (upon organized religion was immense),
and great hail (i.e.; that Christ was The Elijah, returned in 32 AD, fell upon preachers, the Imam, and the Rabbi, all).