Rev. 17:6 And I saw the woman, (promoting this Existential Feminism), drunken with the blood of the saints (she has always
been able to silence even after she has fallen is one Empire while riding up in the next), and with the blood of the martyrs
of Jesus, (these feminists who, themselves, have vilified the pagan culture of sexploitation): and when I saw her, (the yet
unexamined and most ancient of all ancient social institutions), I wondered with great admiration (that she had escaped social
Rev. 17:8 The beast (of sexually misdirected economics: [Dan 2:31-42; 3:1-5]) that thou sawest, WAS,... (before the
first millennium of Universal Christianity had yet appeared, during the Dark Ages), and IS NOT (for one thousand years of
Christianity from 54 AD-1054 AD); and (the beast) SHALL ASCEND, (again), out of the bottomless pit (of history, in a Renaissance
@ 1382 AD), and go into perdition, (which is the infamy of past History): and they, (the Modern Homo sapiens), that dwell
on the earth shall wonder, whose names, (Modern Homo sapiens), were not written (to evolve further) in the book of life,...
(that is, the ever evolving Unconscious mind),... from the foundation of the (living) world, when they behold the (sexually
misdirected) beast that was, (before the millennium of Universal Christianity during the Dark Ages), and is not, (for one
thousand years of Monasticism), and yet, is, (again, in the Renaissance).
Rev. 17:9 And here is the (next evolution forward, in this Homoiousian) mind which hath wisdom (to form truth from the
knowledge of Reality). The seven heads are seven (economic/social) "mountains," (i.e.; Empires: [Dan 3:1-5]), on
which (the Geisha of Feminism), the "woman," (Ishtar, the matriarchy described in Rev 17:3) sitteth.
Rev. 17:10 And there are seven (POLITICAL POWERS), kings: five are fallen, (1) Egypt, (2) Assyria, (3) Babylon, (4) Persia/Mede,
(5) Greece), ...and one is, (in 90 AD, ROME), and the other, (post Rome, Western Culture, itself), is not yet come; and when
he cometh (even into a Renaissance, @ 1492 AD), he must continue a short space.
Rev. 17:11 And the beast, (a brazen and corrupt, sexually misdirected economic system: [Dan 3:1-5]), that was until Rome),
and is not (for a thousand years of Monasticism under Christ), even he is the eighth, (the Global Economy), and is of the
seven, (Western Culture), and goeth into (Historical ignominy), perdition.
Rev. 17:12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, (European nations: 1. Undivided Empire: Diocletian: capital
Rome: [305 AD],
2. Western Roman Empire: (Romulus Augustus): [to 476 AD],
3. Eastern Roman: Byzantine Empire, [1453 AD],
4. Charlemagne, [800 - 1000 AD],
5. Holy Roman Empire, [1200 AD-1492 AD],
6. Italy, [Renaissance, [16th century],
7. Spain, [17th century],
8. France, [18th-19th Century],
9. Britain, [19th-20th century],
10. Nazi Germany), [20th century])
which have received no kingdom as yet (in 90 AD); but receive power, (in a succession, one after the next), as kings one
hour, (@ 150 years for each), with the beast, (Economic Empire: [Dan 3:1-5])
Rev. 17:13 These, (in a Global Economy), have one mind, and shall (AT THE END OF DAYS) give their (economic) power and
strength unto the beast, (the brazen and corrupt, sexually misdirected economic system: [Dan 3:1-5]).
Rev. 17:14 These shall make war with the Lamb, (the Body of the Church), and the (Body of the Church), the Lamb, shall
overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called (SECULAR HUMANITARIAN), and
chosen, (JEW), and faithful, (CHRISTIAN).
Rev. 17:15 And he saith unto me, The waters, (the culture of the peoples), which thou sawest, where the whore, (the feminists'
practice of courtship and matrimony), sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues (throughout the Ages
and fallen empires of Western culture)
Rev. 17:16 And the ten horns (are Patriarchies initially) which thou sawest upon the beast, (THE EXPRESSION OF COMPETITIVE
ECONOMIC EMPIRE: [Dan 3:1-5]), these, (those ten Patriarchies that will rise, one after the next, with the Fall of Rome),
shall hate the whore, (at first, this feminists' practice of sexual exploitation), and shall make her desolate and naked,
and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire(as each replaces the last matriarchy).
Rev. 17:17 For God hath put in their hearts, (these leaders of Western Culture), to fulfill his will, (and allow Feminism
to slowly rise within), and to agree, and give their kingdom (of secular political power) unto the beast(of sexually misdirected
economics: [Dan 3:1-5]), until the words of God (in these scriptures) shall be fulfilled (in their effect upon societies,
one after the next to rise and then fall down).
Rev. 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest, (Pagan Feminism), is that great city (of pagan subcultural prostitution, Feminism),
which reigneth over (even political entities, like) the kings of the earth.
(link to chapter 18)