Rev. 20:7 And, when (the Universal Christianity of the whole Roman
World which was mandated, in 380 AD), the thousand years are expired (in 1054 AD, and the libidinal lustfulness of)
Satan shall be loosed out of his prison (of cultural morality),
Rev. 20:8 And
shall go out to deceive the nations: ([ethnos]: meaning some same type of people], i.e.; the Three Islamic religious denominations,
and the 10 kingdoms of Western Europe) which are in the four quarters, (i.e.; Pagan, Christian, Muslim, and Jewish parts),
of (all) the earth, Gog, (the leading and larger Sunni Islam congregation), and Magog, (Shiite Islam, lead by Iran, whose
ancestors were Scythians who spoke an Iranian language, and who deny Christ is the son of God, i.e., anti-Christs), and to
gather them together, theologically), to battle (in a scripture argument: [Rev 19:15]) the number of whom is as the sand of
the sea.
Rev. 20:9 And they, (the Muslim hordes), went up on the breadth of the earth,
(into Western Europe and even America, as displaced people), and compassed the camp of the saints about (Israel), and the
beloved city, (Jerusalem): and fire, (the baptism, that Jesus was the return of Elijah, [Matthew 3:12,16-17]), came down from
God, (meaning dozens of duplicate Old Testament and New Testament verses exist), and devoured ([katesthi]: to eat up) them,
(they who oppose this idea).
Rev. 20:10 And the devil, (the great harlot of Feminism), that
deceived them, (those nations and empires on the seven headed beast, Rev 17:3) was cast into (scorn), the lake of fire, (i.e.;
as in Statistics, reporting the enormous Welfare child abuse, millions of Abortions, and the violent crime of their bastards
children), and brimstone (of hard Facts) where the (selfish economic) beast, (that self-centered economic system), and the
false prophet (of Islam, Mohammed) are, and (they) shall be (reproved as they are) tormented (in the ridicule of historical
revue) day and night, (historically), for ever and ever.
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