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Rev 1:7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and
every eye shall see him,
and they also which pierced him:
and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.
Even so, Amen.
Rev. 20:5 But the rest of the dead, (i.e.; the non-believers and the pagan Roman society), lived not again (during the
Monastic era of Universal Christianity) until the thousand years (of the Dark Age,54 AD -1054 AD: [Rev 20:4]) were finished
(when began the Pagan revival called The Renaissance).
This, (the established congregation of believers), is the first resurrection (as the Body of his Church with Christ at the
Rev. 20:6 Blessed and holy is he, (the Christian) that hath part in the first resurrection (in the body of the Church, from
32 AD - 380 AD: [Colossians 1:18]): on such (Christians) the second death, (meaning the demise of the church with the revived
paganism of the Renaissance), hath no power, (i.e.; Christianity will remain and co-exist with the paganism: [Matt 13:30]),
but they, (the leaders of the early Church), shall be priests of God, (the saints of The Church), and of Christ, and shall
reign with him (during the Dark Age), a thousand years, (during the Monasticism of Christianity).
The Amplified Theistic Evolution Bible Interpretation:
Revelation 20: The Great Day of the Lord on the clouds of heaven:
380AD: Mandatory Worship of one God, Jesus...

(click for more on the Pope) |
In 392 AD Theodocius I made Christianity the state religion
of the Roman Empire. On 27 February 380 AD, Emperor Theodosius I enacted a law establishing Catholic Christianity as the
official religion of the Roman Empire and ordering others to be called heretics.
Rev. 20:4 And I saw thrones (of Universal Christian authority)
and they, (the 144,000 monks of the Monasticism: [Rev 14:4]), sat upon them, (in 380 AD, when Christianity was mandated as
the ONLY legal religion in the Empire), and (theocratic) judgment was given unto them (in the days of that Catholic Monasticism):
and I saw the souls, (the departed spirit-like psyches of the believers: [1Thess 4:14-18]), of them that were beheaded for
the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, (Old Testament and New), and which had not worshipped, (in their monasticism,
the participation in the pagan practices and sexual excesses fueling) the beast (of the Roman economic system which had been
based upon selfish self-interest), neither his image (on his coinage, for they lived in the communism of their monasteries),
neither had received his mark (of ledger accounts recorded) upon their foreheads, or in (wages in) their hands; and they lived
(as angels in the minds of Christians who have followed, these beheaded saints, in the memories of congregations who worshiped
in churches built upon the bones of their remains)...
.... and (they) reigned (in Monasticism) with Christ, [Rev. 14:14], a thousand years, (from the appearance of, first, the
Book of Matthew, i.e.; the Holy Comforter, in 54 AD until 1054 AD, a thousand years until the first Schism of Protestant Greek
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 "For the Lord himself, (the Cross of light in the sky), shall descend (in the Holy Spirit) from heaven with a shout (from
all the 12, 000 Roman soldiers under Constantine), with the voice (of Human Harmony), of the archangel, (Michael, speaking through Constantine, the emperor), and
with (the Gestalt of psychic insight), the trump of God;
And the dead in Christ, (the Apostles: [Rev 20:4]), shall rise first (as saints
of the Universal Church): Then we, (Christians), which are alive and
remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds (which Constantine and his soldiers had done, the sign
of the Cross that precipitated the coming of the millennium kingdom of Christ : [Matt 24:30]), to meet
the Lord (whose sign is signified: [Isa 11:10]) in the air: and so shall we,
(the Christian Church), ever be with the Lord (now a legalized Christianity throughout Rome,
since Nicaea, 325 AD),"