Rev. 1:9 I, John, who also am your brother and companion in tribulation, (i.e.; during those violent years of opposition
to this development of early Christian social sanity), and in the kingdom, (i.e.; in the field of understanding ourselves
and the study of Human Behavior), and patience of Jesus Christ, (i.e.; which is the promulgation of Truth which is to come
to us over time), was in the isle that is called Patmos, for (the purpose of interpreting the scriptures), word of God, and
(for propagation of) the testimony of Jesus Christ, (which was that, as The Christ, he personified the virtue and ideal called
The Truth, and those explanations concerning it).
Rev. 1:10 I was, (as I might say), in the (transcendental) Spirit: (see Abraham Maslow: Transcendence), on the Lord's
day, (Saturday), and, (as if I actually had) heard behind me a great voice, (i.e.; an auditory psychic episode was unfolding),
as if (the sound of an Ancient of ancient, phylogenetic Unconscious blast, like)... a trumpet.
Rev. 1:11 (A voice in my head) saying, I am the Alpha, (Reality) and Omega, (Truth), the first and the last, (the reality
of Universe and its image, i.e.; Truth, held within the Mind: [John 14:17]): and, what thou seest, (as a final cryptic overview
of the gospel message), write in a book (to conclude the New Testament), and send it unto (each of the present) seven (fledgling)
churches which are in Asia, (but which shall grow, mature, and develop over all the world as one Christianity, experiencing
seven stages of understanding which shall be, and shall accompany, each of the new social paradigms within in this Western
Culture); unto:
(1) Ephesus, (from the Age of the Apostles through the earliest church), and unto
(2) Smyrna, (when the martyrs did suffer the Tribulation instigated by Diocletian 303-13), and unto
(3) (the predicted coming of the Lord upon the clouds during) Pergamos, (after the 313 AD Edict of Christianity Toleration
by Emperor Constantine, in 325 AD),
(4) Thyatira, (the formation of Universal Roman Catholicism, in 380 AD, and institution of the Papacy in 467AD), and unto
(5) Sardis, (the Reformed Catholic Church beginning in pre-Neapolitan times), and unto
(6) Philadelphia, (the Protestantism begun with the Edict of Martin Luther, in 1517 AD and the Augsburg Confession of
1530), and unto
(7) Loacidea, (the Humanistic Christianity of the New World).
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