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Rev. 11:7 And when they, (the House of Jacob and the house
of Judah, the two candlesticks: [Zechariah 4:11 ]), SHALL HAVE FINISHED
THEIR TESTIMONY (in the 17th century, against their own messiah ben Joseph, Jesus, and changed their written texts
in the Talmud so as to remove the name of Jesus and their direct protests against him), the
(seven headed) beast (of Western civilization) that (will have) ascendeth out
of the bottomless pit (in The Renaissance) shall make
(secular) war against them, (these European Jews of the diaspora),
and shall overcome them (in 1942), and kill them (with gas and starvation and brutalities).
NOTE: The primary references to Yeshu, (Jesus), are found only in uncensored texts of the Babylonian Talmud and the Tosefta.
The names of Mary and Jesus were removed during the 17th century by the Jews when Christian priest began complaining.
The primary references to Yeshu, (Jesus), are found only in uncensored texts of the [B]Babylonian Talmud and the Tosefta[/B].
Although Notzri, (Christian), does not appear in the Tosefta, by the time the Babylonian Talmud was produced, Notzri, (Christian),
had become the standard Hebrew word for Christian and Yeshu, (Jesus), Ha-Notzri, had become the conventional rendition of
"Jesus the Nazarene" in Hebrew.
For example, by 1180 CE the term Yeshu Ha-Notzri can be found in the Maimonides' Mishneh Torah (Hilchos Melachim 11:4,
uncensored version).
The Talmud also, in Sanhedrin 107b; Sotah 47a states that Jesus was sexually immoral and worshiped idols.
(link to source on censorship)
Rev. 11:8 And (the House of Jacob and the house
of Judah), their dead bodies shall lie in the street (of
Nazi Paganism) of the great city, (which is the tenth
horn of Western Civilization), which spiritually, (in
its philosophical outlook), i called Sodom, (any place
practicing pagan sexual license and libidinal excess), and (that
ancient place of previous Jewish trust, in the shadow of) "Egypt," (called
the time of Jewish confusion: [Isa. 30:2-3]: Egypt, the land of both their beloved Joseph and also, their slavery), where also our Lord, (Jesus), was crucified (among them in 32 AD).
Rev. 11:9 And they of the people and kindreds and tongues
and nations (during the 1260 years from the desolation of the Temple mount with construction of the Dome
of the Rock, i.e.; the Jewish Diaspora), shall see their
dead bodies (in Concentration Camps) three days (of years)
and an half, (1942-1945),
and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves (but disposed of in the Crematoriums).
Rev. 11:10 And they that dwell upon the earth, (in
Nazi Western Europe), shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and
shall send (supposed Christian seasonal) gifts one to another;
because these two prophets, (the Old Testament and the New Testament), tormented them that dwelt on the earth.
Rev. 11:11 And after (the Holocaust), three and an half days (of years), the
Spirit of life from God entered into them, (the House of Jacob and the House of Judah), and they stood upon their feet (in the land Promised); and
great fear fell upon them (in Islam) which saw them, (the
prophecy of the Fig Tree, blooming was fulfilled: [Matt 24:28, 32-34).
Rev. 11:12 And (the Holocaust survivors), they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither
(to the United Nations, where ALL Nations can see). And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud (of history); and
their enemies (especially in Palestinia) beheld them.
Rev. 11:13 And the same hour was there a great earthquake, (Israeli Statehood), and the tenth part of the city,
(the Promised Land), fell (to the returning Jews), and in the earthquake (of their in-gathering) were slain
of (Muslim) men, seven thousand: and the remnant (of Muslims) were affrighted, (horrified and shocked),
and (all the Judaeo-Christian world) gave glory to the God of heaven (that prophecy of Jews returning to Israel
had been fulfilled: [Zech 8:3).
7000 muslim soldiers killed:
Arab armies: 3,700-7,000 killed
Palestinian Arabs: 3,000-13,000 killed (both fighters and civilians