Rev. 11:3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, (the Old Testament :[Psa 19:7; The law] and the New Testament:
[Psa 19:7; the testimony]), and they shall prophesy: a thousand two hundred and threescore days, (1260 years, from
the building of the Dome of the Rock in 688 AD, that Abomination of Desolation: [Dan 12:11], until 1948 AD, the re-establishment
of Israel: [Rev 12:6]), clothed in sackcloth (of Scripture).
Rev. 11:4 These are the two olive trees, (Zech 4:11,14): Old Testament and New Testament), AND the two candlesticks,
(the House of Judah are the Jews of modern times, and the House of Jacob that toils and struggles: [Is 44:5-6]), standing
before the God of the earth.
Rev. 11:5 And if any man will hurt (or blaspheme) them, (i.e.; the Old Testament and New Testament: [Zech
4:11,14), fire (of scripture) proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: [Rev 2:27]; and
if any man will hurt them, (during those 1000 years reign of Christ in Catholic Monasticism), he must in this manner
be killed, (at the stake, silenced, or excommunicated: [Zech 13:3-7]).
Rev. 11:6 These, (The Old and New Testaments: [Zech 4:11,14]), have power to shut (the door to) heaven
(in the one 1000 year old Universal Church: [Rev 3:7; Rev 6:12-17; Rev 20:4]), that it rain not (any other congregations
or denominational differences for 1000 years) IN THE DAYS OF THEIR (1000 years) PROPHECY, (during the thousand
years reign of Christ of the Dark Ages, before Orthodox Catholics split in 1054 AD: [Rev 20:4]): and have power over waters
(of peoples) to turn them, (these Catholics), to (sacred) blood (in Eucharist), and to smite the earth
with all plagues (Black, and even The Inquisitions) as often as they will.